So that I can better get to know what you, the reader, thinks, I have added a poll thingie to the sidebar.
The first poll is about winter because I need to know if the total darkness before 5PM and constant cold and the only decent fruit & veg being apples and pumpkin is bumming out anyone other than me. Tell me I am not alone!
That it’s December and I’m still stuck in the Northern hemisphere fills my soul with despair.
Here have some more quokkas:

Lucky quokkas living far away in sunshine and warmth. Oh, how I envy them!

More sunshine & quokkas. Look what the peoples wear! Lucky, lucky bastards.
Okay, that didn’t make it warmer or lighter or less depressing here . . .
Update: I have just learned that creating a new poll instantly replaces the old one. I’d planned to leave the winter poll up for awhile but I done killed it. Thus there is a new poll, which I will not tinker with until next Sunday. This is my punishment for futzing about with the blog when I should be nosegrinding towards my deadline. I am bad.
Update 2: I don’t even know how I broke the poll this time. I am turning the internets off and stapling myself to the grindstone.
Update 3: Stupid poll software. I kick it.