The best thing about being home—other than hanging out with my family—is the fruit. So far I have gorged on cherries, lychees, mangoes, passionfruit, sugar bananas, nectarines, peaches and . . . wait for it . . . mangosteens!
My life is perfect.
Although I’ve never actually eaten a mangosteen before, your blog has inspired me to buy some mangosteen scented soap and lotion. It smells like heaven. Mmmmmmmm.
Lychees are seriously awesome. I’ve have them twice before, and once canned, but they are the most delicious fruit I’ve ever eaten.
I’ve never had a mangosteen before, though 🙁
Am jealous of mangosteen consumption. Most jealous.
[sniff] The northern hemisphere misses you already. At least your books stay behind when you leave. 🙂
They sell them dried at Trader Joe’s in the US. Maybe something in the drying process makes them importable?
I am incredibly jealous about the lychees. At least 6 more months until lychee season here in New York! I know summer has begun when I see lychees in Chinatown.
Welcome back, Justine!
I’m going to [Hometown] in ten days, which not only contains my family but is also a noted stonefruit-growing region. I might be required to pick raspberries for Christmas lunch. *drools*
I just have to get through the crazy next week at work first! I hope you get at least a tiny bit of down-time while you’re here.
OK, so what is a ramubtan? B/c I’m pretty sure there is one in Magic or Madness (maybe?) and then I definitely saw dried rambutan at a store… so what is it?