Tiptree biography

Julie Phillips has a brand-spanking new gorgeous website to promote her forthcoming unbelievably brilliant biography of James Tiptree, Jr. Go check it out! And order that book. Seriously it’s one of the best biographies I’ve ever read.

She’ll also be reading here in NYC:

Date: Wednesday, July 26
Place: KGB, 85 E. 4th St., NYC.
Time: 7:00 – 9:00 pm

I’ll be there. Hope you all can come too.


  1. Jenny Davidson on #

    Ooh, that does sound good. I am not sure if I will make it to the reading, holed up in insane work mode right now, but thanks for the tip….

    I left a long comment the other day on your fast-writing post, but it vanished mysteriously–will just recap briefly to second thoughts about health costs of writing too fast, I devoted a huge amount of time and energy (and money) this year to getting into shape after having completely neglected to do any proper exercise in roughly the last 5 years while I’ve been on the tenure track! (Still don’t have tenure but realized that putting off the evil day of quitting-smoking-and-getting-into-serious-exercise-mode for 2 more years was potentially life-threatening…)

  2. cecil on #

    pre ordered. can’t wait. Also noted that she is reading in LA in August.

    I love James Tiptree, Jr. so much.

    There is a store here that has a Racoona letter on display and for sale.

  3. Mely on #

    I am so excited!

  4. CW on #

    Oooo I love James Tiptree Jr! Thanks for the tip.. wish I could go to the reading…

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