Thanks to everyone for all the questions. I have now updated the FAQ by incorporating the new quessies and dividing it into four sections:
Magic or Madness Trilogy
How To Ditch Your Fairy
If you have more questions feel free to ask them over there.
There are spoilers in the MorM FAQ but they are at the bottom under a spoiler warning. There are no How To Ditch Your Fairy spoilers. Aren’t I good to you people?
Speaking of which, I just found out that HTDYF is a Junior Library Guild selection. This is quite the honour as they have a reputation for picking books that go on to be award-winners and bestsellers. If you look through their book selections you’ll recognise many fabulous books.
There was also a gorgeous new review over on the Ravenous Reader Reviews. I’ve never had so many reviews and comments and fan mail about a book before it was even published. I could get used to this!
Though publication is very soon: 16 September in the US of A. That’s nearly almost two weeks away!
HTDYF is quite the fantastic book. I think I read it in one sitting. I think it should win at least 500 awards for it’s uniqueness and funniness and overall awesomeness.
I preordered HTDYF yesterday in the epic post-birthday Borders binge. 🙂 Looking forward to it.
XD! with all the reviews and stuff, I actually thought HTDYF was already out! -amused-
I don’t actually get to read it until I go back to the US (I don’t like shipping 😛 and I’m in France) so the release date isn’t something I’ve been paying huge attention to. Man, I need to become an editor,then I could read those books when they’re done instead of a year later XD
I hope the HTDYF love fest continues. You deserve it. it’s a great book.