I will have more to say about the fabulous High Voltage ConFusion when my brain and body are in the same place.1
In the meantime what song is stuck in your brain right now? I have Suzanne Vega’s “Blood Makes Noise” on high rotation.
- All the usual disclaimers apply about why I haven’t responded to your emails, comments etc. Sorry! [↩]
well NOW i have Blood Makes Noise in my head, thanks.
speaking of which, i’m reading Oliver Sacks’s Musicophilia at the moment, and it has many interesting things to say about why we get songs stuck in our heads… and scary people who get one stuck and it NEVER GOES AWAY.
Tell me! Why do they get stuck in our heads?
Blood makes noise . . .
i’ve got judy garland’s ‘when your smilin’ in my head, as sung by rufus wainwright. probably because i’ve been playing it oodles of times today.
*waves at you from the other side of exhaustion*
Did you meet John Scalvi while you were there? I heard he is tall and can slay ten men with his left pinky. Unfortunately he is unbalanced and his right pinky is unable to even greviously wound one. At least that’s what I heard. Is it true?
‘I’m a big girl now’ from the Hairsprey soundtrack (my sister has been listining to it nonspot for the last 2 days!!!!!! SAVE ME!!!!!)
bannana phone. and i see the pictures that it goes with on youtube
the harry potter bannana phone is way better thenthe orig.
“This Book is So Awesome” by Harry and the Potters.
“This book is so awesome/I can do anything/This book is so awesome/I am the Potions King!”
’nuff said.
Well. essentially it’s a mini-seizure, where the auditory cortex gets stuck in this helpless loop. usually the song STARTS as a reminder of something, even something very tangential (like it might be raining, so you get Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head stuck). women are more likely to get them than men. And the number 1 most catchy song is Can’t Get You Out of My Head. ha.
Oliver Sacks says that evolution-wise, it’s a rhythm thing, to help you do physical activity. which is why songs so often pop into your head when you’re walking.
danica-ministry of magic sings it better 😉
at the moment i’m listening to the harry potter 7 audio book, so no songs seem able to worm themselves into my brain right now.
*repeats every word along with jim dale*
If I’m singing to a song, quite often I get confused by other songs by the same artist/band if they are in the same key. I’ll be singing a verse, and before long it’s a 3-in-1. Good thing the verses from other songs don’t rhyme, or else I would never be able to learn lyrics. But on the positive side, techno songs don’t have lyrics, and who needs guitars anyways?
lili: Wow. I was thinking about ordering that from Amazon just the other day. Freeeaky. I’ve read one of his books for biology once.
“Look Out There’s A Monster Coming” by the Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band.
It wanders through and gets stuck in there about once a month.
I think it’s just because the inside of my head is the kind of place it likes to hang out.
hmm…i usually have music through my head at all times, often in annoying, hellish medleys not meant to exist.
nothing today though oddly.
(u know, aside from Blood Makes Noise, as of now…)
most common though is Teddy Picker by Arctic Monkeys. that song haunts my brain with it’s awesome. i wrote the entire lyrics in my math notebook. twice. over some notes. kid next to me gave me some wierd look for that one.
“crushcrushcrush” by paramore. it’s a good song, so it’s okay. earlier today, i had “all i want is you” by barry louis polisar from the juno soundtrack. JUNO JUNO JUNO JUNO!!!! how i love that movie.
If it takes any of the pressure off, I’ve started a blog series about the con, and it will be packed with Larbalestierian (and Westerfeldian, Scalzian and the very rare Nielsen Haydenian) goodness.
You guys were all fantastic; thanks again for braving some of the coldest weather Michigan has to offer. I promise your next visit will be more pleasant.
On the music front, the new Radiohead album “In Rainbows” is stuck in my head because they’ve been playing it in every B&N I’ve been in for the last 2 weeks. Bodysnatchers: woot!
“Landing in London” by 3 Doors Down. I am so very missing my sweetheart today and it makes me cranky.
Marion Librarian
I love you madly madly madam
It’s a long crusade
I shall never win
for the civilized world accepts
as unforgivable sin
any talking out loud with any
such as
(and herein, no doubt, lies the difference between you and me)
I’ve got imogen heap’s “i’m holding out for a hero” stuck in my head. from the shrek 2 soundtrack.
i love imogen heap! right now i’ve got dashboard by modest mouse and everything is alright by motion city soundtrack in my head.