Deadly Uni***ns

I’m so stoked to be able to announce that my mate Diana Peterfreund has just gotten herself a new two-book deal and it’s for young adult books. That’s right! Diana is now one of us!

From the Publisher’s Marketplace Announcement:

    Young Adult
    Author of SECRET SOCIETY GIR Diana Peterfreund’s RAMPANT, about killer uni***ns that can only be defeated by virgin descendants of Alexander the Great, and the teenage huntress whose birthright is seriously messing up her social life, to Kristin Daly at Harper Children’s, in a good deal, at auction, in a two-book deal, by Deidre Knight of The Knight Agency (NA).
    Film: Matt Snyder at CAA.

I read and ADORED the proposal and cannot WAIT to read the completed novel. Congratulations, Diana. You rule!


  1. alisa on #

    Ohhhhh…i wanna read that,

  2. Gabrielle on #

    Huh, second post. Rampant looks really really good. She’s contaminated now. By the YAers. Mwahahahaha.

  3. Diana on #

    Sadly, it took me much longer than I’d like to admit to figure out what “yaers” were. I was thinking, “What, like a yeti?”

    But yes, well and truly contaminated. Like something out of a zombie flick…

    Thank you, Justine!

  4. marrije on #

    what excellent news, diana, congratulations!

    justine, you have told her about the no drinking rule for ya authors, haven’t you?

  5. alisa on #

    wait, there’s a ya no-drinking rule? but, i see john green drinking all over teh internets. *g*

  6. Rebecca on #

    john green is not drinking. what a notion. it’s all in your mind.

    yay for diana! i so wanna read that story. 😀

  7. Dawn on #

    YAY! Congrats to Diana!

  8. jenny davidson on #

    justine, you are a monstrous tantalizer; those are of course the books i MOST WANT TO READ IN THE WORLD! (will you give me those caps?) how delightful… diana, congratulations, i can’t wait to read them!

  9. carrie on #

    i agree with justine that diana’s new book/series totally rocks and is totally awesome!!! it’s time people knew the truth about unicorns! (though, out of a sense of loyalty, i must still vote for zombies in the whole unicorn/zombie debate).

  10. Gabrielle on #

    I tried to post another comment explaining what yaers were, but apparently it didn’t work. Sorry about that. So, it’s ya-ers. Yaers looked good with the caps. ^^

  11. Penni on #

    Sounds great! Wish I had it right now.
    Congratulations Diana.

  12. Katerate on #

    This looks grand. Another book to look foreward to, yay!

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