Green Man Review of MorM

I got up all ready to start turning my sketchy draft of MorM 3 into something a whole lot better. Before starting I thought I’d have a quick squiz at the email, just in case there was something important (you know like a foreign language sale, those always start the day off marvellously well). Of course, the fact that it was Saturday in the US of A and Sunday here made that vanishingly unlikely. Instead I found one of the most blush-worthy reviews so far, which is almost as good as a sale for starting the day off humming.

It’s written by an online friend of mine, Rachel Manija Brown. I very much enjoyed her memoir, All the Fishes Come Home to Roost. However, reading her other reviews I don’t think she’d’ve pulled her punches had she not liked my book.

Here’s a quote:

Magic or Madness takes place in Sydney and New York City, and both are drawn with such vivid detail that, to a reviewer who knows New York (as Reason does not) but not Sydney (as Reason does) that both cities become equally alien, equally disconcerting, and equally enticing. Larbalestier captures the culture shock that an unwary traveler can fall victim to when even countries where English is spoken can seem impossibly different from each other, and where even that English can sound like a foreign tongue. This is the first fantasy I’ve ever read that gets the effect of having a character transported to Elfland without ever leaving the fields that we know.

Green Man Review

Right then, now I roll up sleeves and dive back into the world of MorM 3. I’ve got nine days to make it perfect. Wish me luck!


  1. you know who on #

    And oodles of it, possum!

  2. Eliani Torres on #

    Best luck to you.

  3. Carbonel on #

    Color me clueless: Scott Westerfeld is your husband–!

    How do you two contain that much l33t writerly talent-n-skilz in one household without imploding?

  4. Diana Peterfreund on #

    You, know, I said the same thing as that green chick in fewer words. Making me miss Australia is quite the feat, methinks.

    Good luck revising!

  5. Justine on #

    Thanks all! Much appreciated!

    Carbonel: Tee hee. We avert any implosions with the power of champagne.

    Diana: Thanks, I think! Australia=double plus good (except for the bad bits). (Though at first I read your comments as saying it would be quite the feat to have you crowned as Miss Australia, which it would you being a Septic and all . . .)

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