Final cover of Magic Lessons (updated)

The cover of Magic Lessons is now a done deal:

I love that it proclaims itself as a sequel:

But mostly I love that me and Scott have a photo credit:

Woo hoo! (I know it’s tricky to read. You’ll just have to trust me.)

(Update: Scott made it legible. Yay Scott!)


  1. Dave Schwartz on #

    Pretty! Love the tree.

  2. cherie priest on #

    Now if only I could make out more of that picture of you 😉

  3. Justine on #

    Dave Schwartz: It’s a moreton bay fig. Very common back home. I took that photo! Little ole me!

    Cherie Priest: How strange—that’s not a photo of me.

    Jason Erik Lundberg: It’s out in March.

  4. Cherie Priest on #

    I don’t believe you!
    You must show me evidence to the contrary.

  5. Justine on #

    Right you are, Cherie, this is a proper photo of me.

    And what’s with everyone sticking their tongue out at me?

  6. gwenda on #

    I love that author photo (and the cover in general, but I couldn’t remember if I ever told you what a boss author photo that is).

  7. cherie priest on #

    Aw, it says 403 forbidden 🙁

  8. Justine on #

    Gwenda: I believe you said it several times and writ it in your blog for all the world to see. Samantha’s an ace photographer. Yay, her! It was the most relaxed I’ve ever been having my photo taken. If you’re ever in Sydney and you need an author photo Samantha’s your girl.

  9. Justine on #

    Okay, Cherie, try the link now. Little bit of trivia: the tree I’m leaning on is the same one on the front cover above. Spooky, eh?

  10. cherie priest on #

    I love it! You look fantastic – and that is one wicked-awesome tree, too.

  11. cherie priest on #

    By the way, lucky me — I followed your rules. Here’s mine for 4&20bb. I was smirking with regards to my talented-but-silly photographer (and significant other).

    Say cheese!

  12. Justine on #

    Thank you! It’s all pro make up, pro lighting and photography. It’d make Karl Rove look good. It’s a very fine tree in a very fine cemetery.

  13. Justine on #

    Mate, we could be twins: big mouths (in both senses), long dead straight hair. We’re freaking identical. Gorgeous photo, btw!

  14. giselduenas on #

    I think that Magic or Madness was a cool book so i can’t wait to read the other one, and the cover look good and it makes me want to read it.

  15. giselduenas on #

    Ithick that the cover is good and Ilike how reason is floating by the tree and the picture of the sementery is good too

  16. Justine on #

    giselduenas: so glad you like the cover and that you enjoyed Magic or Madness. Less than four months now till it comes out. Can’t wait!

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