No Mentioning a Certain Country that Begins with the Letter ‘B’

And I don’t mean Burma or Bolivia or Bulgaria.

There’s some heavy black magic being worked against our baggy green boys over in England. You lot better take your spells off Ricky and the other lads immediately. If this keeps up I may have to reconsider WorldCon. Gloating poms? (Yes, I mean you, Andrew and Cheryl!) No, thank you! My sister‘s living over there and it’s not been pretty for her of late. And, oh, the hassling she’ll get come Monday! Ouch.

Not that I have lost faith. Once we get rid of the bad mojo, all will be fine.


  1. Cheryl on #

    i’m not saying a word.

    except to point out that I’m not blonde and all of my attempts to wiggle my nose have been dismal failures.

  2. David Moles on #

    You’re familiar with Trobriand Islander cricket, right? I think there you’re allowed to put spells on the bat, but not the ball.

  3. jonathan on #

    um. um. er.

  4. Justine on #

    Cheryl: Until you said that I had not suspected you of being involved.

    David: Of course I’ve heard of it! [Googles furiously] Their famous magic is clearly too benign to explain what’s been going on. I suspect the curse was laid when Clarke and Kasprowicz had their kit stolen. It would seem that a lot more happened then the mere purloining of Clarke’s favourite bats.

  5. Justine on #

    Jonathan: Oh my God! Is the curse affecting your powers of typing?!

  6. Cheryl on #

    my official excuse is that, being in california, i’m asleep when much of the action is taking place. what i get up to in my dreams is another matter, but as i can never remember them when i wake up i claim innocence.

  7. scott on #

    One word: “Voodoo-line.”

    (Uh, okay, should really be “vodun-line,” but that doesn’t really scan.)

  8. Justine on #

    I like it, Scott. Especially as it was the evil poms who invented bodyline in the first place. Damn their eyes!

  9. Brendan on #

    As a gloaing pom I do feel mildly irritated by all those whinging aussies; I expect it’s because all those XXXX beers have turned to ashes in their mouths!

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