Deee-troit! Baaas-ket-ball! (Part 2)

I love the way basketball makes a second seem like a really long time. The game is so fast it makes time slow down.

I love that tonight seven Detroit players were in double figures. No stars. Lots of sharing the ball. Just like the WNBA.


  1. razorbilly on #

    trekking across south carolina, so I didn’t get to see the start of the game. but my boys pulled it out again. This series, which was going to be so earth shattering, is turning out to be kinda dull because each team is blowing out the other. let’s see if they can keep it up for game 5 (always pivotal)


  2. Justine on #

    I haven’t found any of the games dull. Why do people only find games exciting if they’re close?

    Detroit played so perfectly last night. It was glorious to watch them stripping the ball away at will, scoring on the fast break. San Antonio’s defence—when they got it together—was also pretty cool. They forced Detroit to at least two shot clock violations. I do love good defence. There was lots of really pretty basketball. Wonderful passing and general ball handling.

    I almost enjoyed San Antonio’s wins too, because Ginobli and Parker when they’re going are fab too watch. (Though I find it hard to get enthused about Tim “Eeyore” Duncan.)

    I still wish it had been a Detroit Pistons-Phoenix Suns final, but this final’s pretty fine.

  3. razorbilly on #

    oh, it wasn’t boring to me…but I’ve played a ton of basketball, so i enjoy the beauty of it all. duncan is a little sleepytime, but he plays the position the classic way, function over form. he’s that rarest of rare birds– a champion playing at the highest level who is also a genuinely NICE guy.

    I lamented the fact the suns didn’t make it as well. i love watching the way steve nash plays the game. a total gym rat from the old school, and he’s making the high-flying dunkers and shot swatters look silly. i love ginobli, too. who says white guys can’ jump? (i had a 32 inch vertial myself).

    but yeah, the new bad boys played it to perfection last night. ben wallace is my favorite center in the game. total energy, fear the fro (wish he’d keep it for the rest of the series), etc. etc. got the quickest feet for any big may i’ve ever seen (witness the playoff record for steals). i love good defense, too.


  4. Justine on #

    I’ve never really played (just a bit when I was in fourth grade—basketball’s not huge in Australia) and I’m relatively new to the game as a spectator. I started with the WNBA because Scott has season tickets to the Liberty. I’ve been seeing all their home games since 2003.

    In the women’s game it’s all about team work and defence, so that’s what I’ve learned to appreciate. (Though watching Deanna Nolan’s jump shot, well—that girl has springs for legs! She seems to hover in air on release. Magic.)

    Ben Wallace is awesome, but what I like most about him is the way he anchors the team. There just don’t seem to be any selfish Pistons. Not having stars means that if your star ain’t firing it’s not the end of the world. Whereas if Parker or Ginobli or Duncan aren’t on song San Antonio struggles. (Though i haven’t seen Detroit without Ben.)

    The Detroit-Pheonix match up woulda been fun for defence versus offence, but you know Detroit woulda just creamed them. Whereas with these two defence-expert teams I honestly don’t know who’s going to win. I’m just keeping my fingers crossed for the Pistons.

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