“The only problem with couches is that they take up valuable wall space that could otherwise be used for bookcases”
That’s why my couch is in the middle of the living room, with not only wall space for more bookshelves, but I have shorter shelves against the back of the couch. (And I still don’t have enough room for all my books.)
can always polish floor again, what the hell. IN industrial settings, is done every couple of years. (What they don’t tell you when you polish home floors, heh.) iz scrumptiouz couchez.
I have to say (very carefully, since apparently my comments are being graded), I’m kind of coveting your nice wooden floor, scratches and all. I really love the polished wood look.
You haz scratches on floor if you don’t put something under those legs.
The only problem with couches is that they take up valuable wall space that could otherwise be used for bookcases.
“The only problem with couches is that they take up valuable wall space that could otherwise be used for bookcases”
That’s why my couch is in the middle of the living room, with not only wall space for more bookshelves, but I have shorter shelves against the back of the couch. (And I still don’t have enough room for all my books.)
/book geekery
awesome! couch is goodness.
good lookin’
but i wan see bukcases so bad
Malcolm: You haz scratches on floor if you don’t put something under those legs.
U seez our floor? Iz all scratchez!
Cat: We likez u.
E.: but i wan see bukcases so bad
Noes. Iz sekrit bukcases.
invisible bookcase?
hereandnow: invisible bookcase?
iz sekrit!
what a tease. you put the book cases just out of view. It’s all everyone is murmuring about now
can always polish floor again, what the hell. IN industrial settings, is done every couple of years. (What they don’t tell you when you polish home floors, heh.) iz scrumptiouz couchez.
Are you going to name the couch? Or is its name already ‘Couch’?
In typical Australian fashion, they have named the couch – ‘table’
please, have a seat on table.
Right, Patrick owes me a new keyboard. This one has tea all over it after I spit it out whilst laughing.
no offense, but when I saw this entry the only thing that came to my mind was, “wow, she has twelve comments on her /couch/?”
t’were v. amusing comments though, so i’m pleased.
Apparently it’s a really good couch.
Sweet couch. Me likey.
me want
Danica: apparently it’s a really good couch
Iz best couch ever!
Malcolm: after I spit it out whilst laughing.
after you SPAT it out. Past tense is good! Embrace it.
Kim: me want
No can haz. Iz my couch.
i seez laptop…whoz laptop?
Maybe iz laptop. Maybe iz fish. Not telling.
I have to say (very carefully, since apparently my comments are being graded), I’m kind of coveting your nice wooden floor, scratches and all. I really love the polished wood look.
iz fish
Malcolm: I’m kind of coveting your nice wooden floor, scratches and all.
iz good floor. iz wabi sabi floor.
Scott! Not sposed to tell!
please, sit on ‘table’, look at website on ‘fish’
ooh, me likez couch! nice couch.
me no understand the fish thingy….
iz a lovely couch… needs kitteh tho, to be purrfect couch.
mebbe two kitteh…