Thanksgiving Day

This is my favourite USian holiday. A day set aside to give thanks for the good stuff in your life is a lovely idea. I’m extremely lucky because I have so much to be thankful for that if I listed them all this would be the longest post in the history of blogging.

Instead I will be brief:

I am thankful for the fabulous readers of this blog. Whether you comment or lurk I am grateful for your continued support.1 Without you there’d be no point. You all rule.

Happy Thanksgiving!



  1. Even those of you who kvetch about my unorthodox grammar. []


  1. El on #

    What unorthodox grammar??

  2. Miriam on #

    I’m generally a lurker for most blogs, but not this one. So Happy Thanksgiving to you and all your zombie pals!

  3. Tim on #

    And although I’m Australian and don’t really celebrate the holiday, I’m thankful for all your books and your blogging – both of which are very awesome.

    And what unorthodox grammars are you talking aboot?

  4. HypotheticalDystopia on #

    Happy Thanksgiving!
    Thank you for this wonderful blog!

  5. Emily on #

    Happy Thanksgiving Justine. The best to you (: And keep doing what you do! We love it.

  6. Shveta on #

    Right back atcha, Justine lady! 🙂

  7. Seth Christenfeld on #

    Completely off the topic–there may be something wrong with your RSS feed. For whatever reason, I received none of your blog posts this month until this morning, when they all arrived in a big blog dump.

    On the upside, this meant that I just got a month’s worth of Larbtasticness(?) in one night.

  8. Gabrielle on #

    Happy Thanksgiving! I thank YOU for keeping such an awesome and interesting blog.

  9. Justine on #

    I blush at all your kind comments. Thank you! Hope you all had a lovely day.

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