Apparently, the top sekrit title of my new book is already out of the bag. And who was the wicked naughty person who let out the top sekrit ahead of the cover art showing up? What’s the name of that evil party pooper?
Er, um, that would be me. In this interview (no. 13) with Jim Hall of Cult Pop, an excellent Detroit TV show about pop culture.
So I will share with all of you as well. The title of my next book, formerly know as The Ultimate Fairy Book and before that as the Great Australian Feminist Monkey-Knife-Fighting Elvis Cricket Mangosteen novel, is:
How To Ditch Your Fairy
I think it is the best title ever and not only because google’s never heard of it. Not even because the genius Libba Bray came up with it. But because it perfectly describes my book and makes me smile.
yaaaayyyyyy!!!! it is a fantastic title. intriguing too. god, how many months is it until september? we should have a countdown.
who do we have to blackmail at bloomsbury?i mean, um, what?woo hoo! very much looking forward to this, i am. 😛
YAAAAAY! All I need is a description of the main character and I could attempt to make my own version of a book cover! Maybe a parking meter, a skateboard and a skyline of NYC together would work with what most of us already know… I now have artistic inspiration! Thanks Justine! (Nothing like fan art to brighten up your day!) 🙂
🙂 It’s party time!
Woohoo! I loves the title. Now all I need is a book to go with it. 🙂
Love the title! Will totally jump off the shelves. Awesome!
Super title. Yay you!
omg i love it! that is like the best title ever
Ooh, excellent! Very much looking forward to this book. :]
Huzzah! Best news o the day.
LOVE the title! I can’t wait to read it!
Yessssss! I’ve been talking about this book for almost a year now. I can’t wait to actually read it!
Way to pick a title that rocks! But, how could something that you and Libba put together not rock?
First of all, great title!
But, on a more important note (maybe), and only as a recent and often late-to-the-party guest here, me thinks you have a serious security leak.
Isn’t this the second thing in like a week that you believed to be top secret, but which an intrepid reader found in less than a nanosecond on Scott’s blog?
Now, I don’t think you can totally blame Scott for this leak (you did, after all, give the interview) BUT, I am thinking that any secrets you wish, you know, actually kept top secret, you might not want to share with Scott, or you might want to specify it’s not blog-worthy. ;}
Just a thought 😡
Hey, that was supposed to be a sealing your lips emoticon! Not a Mean One!
I’d like to have a “amazing author” fairy.
Emily: Yup, Scott is the world’s biggest security leak.
Reese: i would love one of those! omg!
also, the title is perfect. can i get the book now?
Have I ever told you how well *I* keep a secret…you know, if you are burning to share but worried about leaks ;}
Awesome title! When do we get to see the cover art?
You’ll get to see the cover art when it exists, which should be soon.
Well. Google has heard of it now…
You’re right! Five hits. Crap. Does that mean I foiled myself?
Heh. It seems you’ve discovered a latter-day version of the liar’s paradox:
The above is true now; I supsect it won’t remain so for long.
Meh. Supsect –> suspect.
Should have written it as supsect and founded a new religion…