I’ve been thinking about do-rags of late. Until I came to the US of A I’d never even heard the term before. I’m not even sure what I used to call them anymore.
Anyways what I’ve been thinking is how come when some people put on a do-rag they look like a gangsta, or a pirate, or a gangsta pirate, or just cool? Yes, I’m looking at you, Holly Black! And when other people put them on they look like a peasant or a cleaning lady?
I fall into the latter category, which I’ve decided is fitting as I’m definitely from peasant stock on both sides of the family, and I once worked as a cleaning lady. Twas one of my many jobs while I was an undergraduate. To be honest I liked it heaps better than being a receptionist or a waitress. It paid better too.
I comfort myself by thinking that with my do-rag on I look like a kind of cool cleaning lady, but I suspect I’m deluding myself.
Update: Thanks to Scalzi, I have just learned that Noah and the other builders of the ark all wore do-rags. I’m trying to decide if they look like gangstas, pirates, or cleaning ladies.
Yah know I was gunna but then my photoshop broke.
Well, I think we need a picture of you in a do-rag rag rag, da do-rag-rag.
When I wear a do-rag, I look like the mistake side of a pencil.
Eric: I have to see that! Post a picture!
Funny! pirates i think noah is a pirate. i’m in computuer class.
my birthday was the best!
I prefer to think that I look like a hippie chick than either a peasant or a cleaning lady, but since one of my friends called me a babushka the last time I wore one, I think I may be fooling myself. (The fact remains, they’re the best way I have to keep from burning my part, so regardless of what I look like, I’ll keep wearing them as needed.)
Celia: Cleaning lady! Welcome to my world. And like you I’ll continue to wear ’em cause it’s hard to cook with my hair falling in my eyes.
norman gentry, baltic nobility ! Lawyers wiil be in touch.
Were you thinking of bandannas? (Not sure of spelling.)
Have a lovely day! 🙂
they were definitely called bandanas in oz in the late 80’s…
Him (otherwise known as my father): Yeah, yeah, the Larbalestiers had their fiefdom for about ten seconds and the Bernklaus were peasants through and through. Please!