But I want to update you on the Bermudez Triangle liberation efforts. As I mentioned it was banned. Maureen Johnson, its wonderful author, has just posted about the campaign to get it put back on the library shelves with some truly excellent suggestions of what we can do to help.
And John Green has posted his letter protesting the banning. If you felt like doing the same thing, the email addresses are over here.
One of the librarians from Bartlesville’s public library, Beth Degeer, has also written a wonderful letter to the local newspaper.
I must dash—I’m about to have lunch with Scott and one of our wonderful French publishers.
My quick verdict on Paris thus far: Gorgeous! Yummy! Mmmmmm!
Paris, noon, 2 May 2007
Paris is beautiful and amazing! But still be careful. French muggers (like all muggers) are jerks. And yes, I’m speaking from experience.
Walk along the Champs Elysees and stop for a hot dog! Odd I know, but it was great! Hope you enjoy your trip!!!
We miss you guys in Austin! (We all, teen librarians, had such a blast meeting you and Scott!)
I’m very jealous! Eat some bread for me!!!
After 2 years of college level french, I still cannot think of any french phrases that might actually be useful. :/
Jenn isn’t lying to you. Everyone in Austin misses you guys. Especially the drunken librarians (plus me, because I’m just a librarian groupie).
I had planned on writing a scathing letter on behalf of Bermudez Triangle. Then I remembered that I haven’t actually read it yet. : ( I know, I’m a terrible person. Sigh. It’s at the top of my “to do list” for the weekend.
I hope your trip is going well! Be safe! Happy Champagne Thursday! ; )
I worked in the school library one year as an elective in high school–which also doubled as a public library for the city in which it stood. I remember one day in September I was given a dot-matrix-rendered list of books to pull for ‘decommissioning’. Some were simply outdated: e.g. books on traveling to the Soviet Union or how to use Windows 3.1. Then there was a massive block of fiction, spanning from adult to adolescent. One such book was a pristine-cornered K. Paterson’s ‘Bridge to Terabithia’. Having big a fan of the book since early grade school I just had to ask why it, and the three other copies, were being decommissioned. Thoroughly frustrated with the situation, she simply scoffed saying it was out of her hands. That, and other such books like it, sat on a cart in the librarian’s office for almost a month before disappearing one morning. I can only assume they were destroyed–fitting end for such ‘subversive’ materials, eh?
They really need to adopt a system that takes into account what is ‘harmful to us’ and what is ‘harmful to her/him/even me’. Have that family devise their own private ‘ban list’, if need be! But leave it for everyone else!
ahh i meant to put that last comment here
wow i am very jealous. i hope you have fun though. im reading magic lessons right now. i got it yesterday. two words for you justine: wicked. awsome. i love it.