I’m so miserable

I can’t do this. I can’t do freezing cold weather. I can’t. We just walked four blocks through icy wind and some sleet and it makes we want to curl up in a ball and cry and cry. I’m never ever ever staying this late in the Northern hemsphere. From now on at the very very most it’ll be June to September.

As Elvis is my witness I will never be cold again!


  1. Jason Gilman on #

    Whoa, four blocks in cold weather- the horror. Back when I was a boy… oh, nevermind.

  2. anonymous on #

    you know there are people starving in Africa, right?

  3. shelly rae on #

    Heck with those posters Justine! I feel your pain & suffering. If people were meant to live in the cold they’d be furry! After five miserable Chicago winters, I still cringe with annoyance when I hear someone call foul weather “character building.” grrr. So when are you heading back to warmer places?

  4. Diana on #

    I’m with Shelly Rae. There is no reason for this. It was a gorgeous cold day in D.C. today, and that was even too much for me. Go back down under, Justine. (Though I remember early October 2003 still being rather chilly in Sydney.) I’m heading back to Florida in November. Can’t wait.

  5. Justine on #

    Jason Gilman: here’s my neverminding.

    Anonymous: are you the same one I’ll be seeing at WFC?

    Shelly Rae: Ah, my sister!

    Diana: Cold is just wrong. There ought to be a law!

  6. Daria on #

    Try a Russian winter :). Worse than a Canadian one.
    I’m so with you. I’m dreaming of the time I finally manage to move to LA. No way I’m going to Canada.

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