Elegy, New Short Story by Justine Larbalestier, i.e. me, is Online Now

“Elegy” is my first publication since My Sister Rosa. It was tough to write and, I have to be honest, it’s a tough read too. I seriously advise you not to read it if you’re feeling low.

“Elegy” publishes in the tenth issue of the wonderful new anthology, Foreshadow, which is the baby of the fabulously talented, Emily X R Pan and Nova Ren Suma. Each month they publish some of the best authors in Young Adult literature alongside brand new authors. The quality is astonishing so I’m deeply honoured to have been invited to contribute. Working with them as well as with Denise Conejo and Diane Telgen has been an absolute pleasure.

“Elegy” is a psychological horror story about the end of the world. It is not a hopeful story. It felt good to get some of my bleakest thoughts down on the page. I will fully understand if you don’t feel up to reading it. I frequently felt the same throughout the writing and editing process. But I’ll never forget how much bleak, depressing stories meant to me when I was a teen. They made me feel so much less alone. I hope this story will do the same for someone out there who needs it.


  1. Wendy Waring on #

    I had a sudden thought this morning to drop over and see how you were going…. And was pleased to see you’d put up a new post AND published a new story.

    It’s beautifully timed bleakness. Just right for the times we’re limping through.
    But man, Justine, what a gut-puncher your story is.
    I’m glad I read it, but glad of the advance warning, too.

    Just tugging the brim of my hat. Walking on now.

    • Justine on #

      Thank you so much, Wendy. That means a lot to me. And, yeah, the bleak times are producing a lot of bleak art.

      I doff my hat back at you.

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