If anyone has photos of Scott and me taken together any time after January 2008 could you please leave a link to them in the comments below or send them to me.
Photos of us with other people would be especially wonderful, but just the two of us is fine too.
You’d be doing both of us a huge favour.
Many thanks!
That’s me clutching my books like a cute little nerd in the background. Lovely to meet the two of you, such a big fan (however, I’m completely team unicorn)!
Anne Gray’s
A quick Flickr search
Dave Hogg labelled his 2008
Many thanks, Za & Jeff. And thanks to everyone who’s emailed photos. Much appreciated.
There should be some of them from the opening ceremonies at Confusion as well, where they were up there along with all the other GoHs except us.
You’re also both in my picture of the author signing at ConFusion (though since that was January 2008, not sure if it fulfills the “after January 2008” part of the request):