Liar just sold to Salani in Italy. They’re the publishers of J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter books. Cool, huh? For those keeping count Liar has now sold in six countries. This is massively more sales than any of my other books have made prior to publication. I am dizzy. (I posted recently on how foreign rights works for those who want to know why I am so excited.)
In other news: today I met someone who looks so much like Tom in the Magic or Madness trilogy I almost gasped. He’s a red head and taller and older (20 rather than 15) than Tom, but other than that identical. I had to stop myself from calling him “Tom.” This has never happened to me before and it is deeply weird. When my fictional worlds collide with my real world than my head explodes.
I may have to lie down to recover.
did you take a picture of him?
I once took a picture of a guy I met who looked like my character Johnny. I didn’t ask though, I just did it all sneaky sneaky with my cell phone… is that creepy? hehe
I also asked a worker at Big 5, “what kind of gun would you recommend for a zombie apocalypse?” ^-^
Whoot! Whoot! Congratulations!!! 😀
woohoo! Yeah for multiple sales.
Yay!! Congrats!
I declare this news to be “molto bene”!
Nice!! Congratulations! 😀
I have fingers crossed for a Spanish language sell next.
Thanks for all the congrats. I am so delighted by all these sales.
Liset: Oh, no. I did not take his photo. Too embarrassing to explain why I wanted it.
Cristina: You and me both. I’m dying to have one of my books translated into Spanish. It’s the only language (other than English) that I can even vaguely read.