Zombies! + book divas + banned books week

It is with great sadness that I realise I haven’t posted about zombies in ages. That’s SO wrong. Fortunately, Cecil Castellucci sent me a link to this science article all about how we all have an inner zombie:

[S]tarting in the late 1960s, psychologists and neurologists began to find evidence that our self-aware part is not always in charge. Researchers discovered that we are deeply influenced by perceptions, thoughts, feelings, and desires about which we have no awareness. Their research raised the disturbing possibility that much of what we think and do is thought and done by an unconscious part of the brain—an inner zombie.

Notice that it’s not an inner uni***n; it’s an inner zombie. I think that proves once and for all time that zombies are more powerful, interesting and make for way better metaphors than smelly old uni***ns.

Take that, Holly Black!

I am now off to Michigan to talk about the glories of zombies fairies with the locals. Posting may be erratic for the next few days. Though I will, as usual, do my valiant best to post every day.

I will also be popping in to chat at Book Divas this week: 29 September through to 6 October. So if you’re a member or want to join do go check it out. I will answer any question you might have. Any question at all!

Today, or, oops, yesterday is also the first day of Banned Books Week. Maureen Johnson has a fabulous post about it over at YA for Obama, with which I agree entirely. On some topics she’s completely wrong but when it comes to banning books and zombies you can totally trust her.

Go forth and read a banned book!


  1. me on #

    On the political. A Lowy Institute survey here showed almost three quarters of Australians want Obama to be President of USA. In event he doesn’t, will we join the axis of evil or be a nuclear target?

  2. Justine on #

    The vast majority of Australians think Bush is a terrible president (as do the majority of USians) and we are not currently considered members of the axis of evil. I think we’re safe.

  3. cuileann on #

    That zombie bit totally reminds me of what Blink had to say about unconscious thought processes…it was uncanny and super interesting.

  4. Diana Peterfreund on #

    Hmmm… so if you have an inner zombie living in your brain, isn’t that like having Justine living in a mangosteen shop?
    Also, inner unicorns would slice the heck out of your cortex with one swipe of their horns. Would not want either, to be honest.

  5. cecil on #

    crazy that I am on team unicorn and yet live with an inner zombie…

    your adventures sound way fun.

  6. Miranda(I have a Pen Fairy!) on #

    Justine, please o please o please tell Scott to right a new blog, because It’s going crazy on that site. Almost 500 comments about band camp, oboes, lime warriors melting greenland, british accents, and pie. HELP!Oh, and I want to read the battle of the sexes in science fiction. Looks sweet! Have fun on the rest of your tour! 🙂

  7. Ally B. on #

    Blink is a good book! It gives a lot of interesting eamples of how you judge stuff without knowing and it doesn’t make you feel stupid.(It’s by Malcolm Gladwell) You should read it(:

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