Magic’s Child in paperback!!

Constant travelling, crappy intramanets, writing, and fun have kept me from announcing the best news ever:

The ENTIRE Magic or Madness trilogy is now available in paperback in North America!!

Oh, happy day. Outside of a library, borrowing from a friend, or stealing it1 this is the cheapest way of reading my books. Yay for paperbacks!

In other news we are in Bolzano. It is beautiful. I write this on my phone thinking about all the snow we tromped through yesterday. Pictures when we find working wifi and can use our computers. Snow remains cold. If they could just fix that I’d prolly like it.

And now the train to Innsbruck.

Will answer email and comments in the future.

  1. Which I do not encourage—the stealing I mean—libraries and friends are good. []


  1. hillary! on #

    YAY! Now I can own the whole series! My Borders better have it this Friday.
    Keep having fun Justine!

  2. Brent on #

    Yay! Finally I can complete my set. Any plans on putting out a boxed set version to make my holiday shopping easier?

  3. Elise on #

    Finally! YAY! I can’t wait to go get it!!!

  4. Danica on #

    Huzzah! You’ve made my day.

  5. Shloopy on #

    Yay for libraries! I rarely go into libraries (don’t kill me!) but one of the times I did, I got the first Magic or Madness book. I loved it beyond words! At that time I also started to read the Uglies trilogy, and started to wonder why all the cool authors lived in Australia… And then a year later I figured out why two of my favorite authors lived in Australia.

    Libraries are lovely things!

  6. Mahek on #

    My library is awful. They hardly ever have the book I want and they don’t sell the Magic or Madness series where I live.

  7. Candy on #

    congrats, justine. it was nice to briefly meet you, in the crowd, amidst all those famous other writers, in bologna. i was the worshipful person who said hi.

  8. sable_starr on #

    YAY for paperbacks. (Hi, I’ve been luring for over a year now 🙂 I’ll definitely buy but I was wondering will the trilogy be packaged as a boxed set cos then I’d probably like to buy that.

    Also have you stopped reading manga or something? Cos it’s pretty awesome when you write about manga (especially my personal favourite, Nana).

    YAY again!

  9. caillie on #

    whoo hooo!!!

  10. limeywesty on #

    I feel so special, I’ve already read a paperback copy of your book! Paperbacks fit into school bags and other places easier…

  11. Corey J. Feldman on #

    Congratulations! Gotta love the iPhone (well I do anyways). I only hope there will eventually be a decent and sanctioned ebook reader for it and of course your books available digital format. For purchase of course, not encouraging theft either…

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