Those boots kick ass! I love the crossbow crest! I always go through boot-wanting phases. Then I talk myself out of it. You have inspired me to want boots again!
The only down side is, when you wear those boots, you will have to be carried around on somebody’s shoulders so that the boots are eye-level to all and sundry.
What the fashionable Slayer will be wearing this spring season…
Methinks these will be Ms. Justine’s “summer boots” like some rich people in the Snow Belt have “summer cars” (typically Porsches or Corvettes) that never see snow.
Oh, wait; I guess all her boots are like that. 🙂
Those boots are definately worthy of a cult of their own. There could be festivals. Polishing Day. Re-Soling Monday. Tap Tuesday (for when the heels wear down). I’d sign up. Word.
Oh noes! My boots have broken Maureen!
Dear god, you had them handmade with the family crest! Larbalestiboots!
wowwwww. those are fancy!!
Those boots REEK of awesome.
Those boots kick ass! I love the crossbow crest! I always go through boot-wanting phases. Then I talk myself out of it. You have inspired me to want boots again!
Oh my word! Those boots rock so hard they’re going to kill someone.
Karen: Well spotted! Yes, that is the Larbalestier family crest and yes they was handmade. They is SO comfortable!
Larbalestiboots . . . Tee!
Those are BOOTS.
The only down side is, when you wear those boots, you will have to be carried around on somebody’s shoulders so that the boots are eye-level to all and sundry.
Whoa! Those are some seriously awesome boots! Did you have them specially made, cause I see the family symbol there on them, which is WAY cool.
Whoa! Those are some seriously awesome boots!
I posted one, then read and realized you’d already mentioned they were specially made. Just ignore me. :p
Those have to be the most awesome of awesome boots!
Ooooh! Nice! Very “Devil’s Panties.”
(Er… that’s a webcomic! A very nice and innocent webcomic! With awesome boots.)
Well Ms. Larbalestiboots, whatcha gonna wear ’em with?
Oh my, those are fabulous! And handmade! Sheesh…
hope@15: with the matching arbalest, one assumes.
david moles
ooh, yes an arbalest, but i hope she would *carry* that, not wear it. leggings? pleather? what can be worthy of the awesomeness of those boots?
What the fashionable Slayer will be wearing this spring season…
Methinks these will be Ms. Justine’s “summer boots” like some rich people in the Snow Belt have “summer cars” (typically Porsches or Corvettes) that never see snow.
Oh, wait; I guess all her boots are like that. 🙂
Those are, in fact, killer boots m’lady!
Justine, it appears your Elvis gene has kicked into overdrive!
Elvis = shiny!
oh wow. oh wow. works of art, they are.
Those boots are definately worthy of a cult of their own. There could be festivals. Polishing Day. Re-Soling Monday. Tap Tuesday (for when the heels wear down). I’d sign up. Word.
your boots keep IMing me. I wish they’d stop seeing how I am attempting to write.
Justine, those are some seriously hot boots.
I am jealous.
epitome of kickass
waaaaaannnnttttt. is viry noice. I r jealous of noice boots.
Very cool. I was wondering when those would show up…
this is completly random, but my cats name is Boots. we named her that because she is black with white paws.
by the way the boots are awsome!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂