Note on my desk

My desk is not so small as you all think. It has two levels. Two! Look closely at this photo:


See the stuff below? It’s not on the floor it’s the second level of the desk.

I’m now curious about your working spaces. If you feel so inclined take a photo and link to it in the comments.


  1. Kadie-Wa on #

    I got my desk on my link. I hope it works.

    Wow. my “desk” can use some cleaning up too. Wow. I think i should probably do that today.

  2. Dawn on #

    looks clean!! 🙂

  3. Fabio on #

    This is where I do most of my translation work here in Germany.

  4. Patrick on #

    I posted here. Both what I have now and what I used to have.

  5. hillary! on #

    wow Fabio…you’re desk is really clean. And despite the fact that I have never heard Portuguese or read it, I understand it. It’s a meshinf of French and Spanish.

  6. Patrick on #

    I wish my desk had cinammon toast.

  7. cherie priest on #

    my desk no longer has cinnamon toast. I eated it.

    We don’t really have a dining room table (just a wee bistro set), so I usually end up eating there by the computer. I shudder to think what might be found between its keys.

  8. Kadie-Wa on #

    I like ur 2% thing. it made me lol

  9. Malcolm Tredinnick on #

    If you only put in a link, the spam monster eats your comment, it seems (except if you’re Cherie, who gets special famous author dispensation). So let’s try this again. Here’s my desk.

  10. Justine on #

    Martin: Alas, I did not see that post of yours. I’m dreadfully behind with blog reading. Has been crazy busy of late . . .

    Malcolm: Nah, hers got eated too. No famous author Cherie dispensation. I have now retrieved most of the spam-eaten comments. I hope! but sadly yours does not have the URL for your desk photo.

  11. Rebecca on #

    i was gonna clean my desk so that there’d be a nice little contrasty thing coing on here, but then i didn’t. because….i’m lazy. so here’s what my desk looks like at the moment.

    re: the green tea….i can stop anytime i want to. really.

  12. Nichole on #

    Uh, rebecca…do I have to schedule and intervention re the green tea? At least there’s a sweet leaf tea in there to mix it up a bit. You need to give your trash fairy a good talking to. It’s really slacking on the job.

    I usually just have glasses that are half full of water sitting on top of my desk. My roomie and I have implemented routine “cup raids” in order to keep the mess to a minimum. Anytime we’re about to start the dishwasher (because we’re too lazy to wash things by hand, but say it’s because the dishwasher cleans things better), we raid each other’s rooms for cups.

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