An eerie silence all over the interwebs

Is everyone in the entire universe curled up reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows?

The silence it echoes . . .

I do not have a copy yet. So anyone who spoils me in any way will be horribly punished. Not that I expect any comments given that you’re all reading.


  1. Dawn on #

    I’m just about 100 pages in, but I had to take a minor break. I can only last so long reading on my bed before I have to stretch. I’ve been almost terrified of getting on the internet at all for fear of being brutally attacked by spoilers. I hate people who do that!

  2. El on #

    I read the epilogue online a couple of days ago (I HATE suspense) and last night at a club meeting I came that ->

  3. El on #

    oops–my arrow was perceived as HTML.

    Anyway, I narrowly averted death by remembering that, oh yeah, I was the only one in the room who knew that. I’d already been direly threatened if I revealed anything.

    I’m not the world’s best at remembering not to say things, but right now I’m giving it my best shot. I want to live, after all.

  4. sherwood on #

    I’ll read it in a couple of weeks, when the used prices come down. (She doesn’t need my money, and the don’t need to be any more dead trees.)

    Meantime: Territory by emma bull.

  5. Kelly on #

    not everyone. They never grabbed me. At first i figured it was because i’m a couple decades past being a ya, but then i read alma alexander’s gift of the unmage and your magic or madness trilogy and liked those a lot, so i think there’s just something in those books that didn’t appeal to me. (i.e., i don’t think they’re “bad” or anything, just not for me.)

    however, i am sick to death of the media going on and on about the book, as well as people on the intarwebs, so i’m sorta staying away from the web because i know there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth about it regardless of whether the general concensus is thumbs-up or thumbs-down on it.

  6. haddy on #

    i dont like harry potter

  7. haddy on #

    im on pilgrimage by zenna henderson it scifi goodness from the 50s

  8. jocelyn on #

    I am here because I am already finished, but I will say no more about it.

  9. Doselle Young on #

    Nah. No Potter for me. I’m gonna settle in and read TERRITORY by Emma Bull as soon as I’m done straightening out my overflowing library. Funny thing is: thus far, I can only Magic Lessons, So Yesterday and the second Midnighters book. It seems as if I’ve been so aggressive about buying, begging and loaning out copies of your books that I don’t have any for myself.


  10. PJ Hoover on #

    I’ve been afraid to check blogs for fear of spoilers. And I don’t plan to rush to finished it!

  11. Ammy on #

    I finished it last night. But I won’t say anything, of course.

  12. alternatefish on #

    there’s one sitting on my kitchen table. a roommate bought it but none of us actually care enough to break off our current reads. JK rowling lost me after the 5th one, which was dreadful. i still plan to read deathly hallows, but it’s a few books down my “to be read” list.

    actually, right now I’m working on _Uglies_. 🙂

  13. jessiegirl on #

    i just finished it and it was fantastic. I was worried, but i walk away a satisfied reader.

  14. steve buchheit on #

    don’t have it, yet. will ask for it as an xmas gift. by then I should know all the plot lines. It won’t ruin my enjoyment of the book, though.

  15. lili on #

    i’m about 2/3 in. i’m with a bunch of friends with blankets and pillows and our friend snaz is reading it aloud to us while we eat bagels and pumpkin cupcakes. it’s really the very best way to spend a weekend…

  16. Elodie on #

    same for me–my internet stayed off from book release to being done reading, which just happened 15 minutes ago xD

  17. Diana on #

    I just finished. Took me about 10 hours.

  18. orangedragonfly on #

    took me about 22 hours from start to finish, but of course sleep time is in there, and also caring for my 6-1/2 week old son. he was a trooper; i think he’s going through a growth spurt, because if he wasn’t eating he was sleeping. no fussing, just eating or sleeping. gave me more time than i expected to read!!

    anyway, i too am satisfied. and i won’t say anything more.

  19. Dess on #

    just finished today at 1:00 AM and slept for hours after not sleep9ing since waking up on friday with the midnight party and reading only to stop for food and church. but i am now finished and out of media excile as to not see spoilers that would kill the book for me anywhere.

  20. Rebecca on #

    got done about half an hour ago. i was rather shocked at myself for going more than an entire day without opening my computer. and don’t get me wrong, the book was good, but i sucked it down as fast as i did more for fear of running into spoilers if i took a break, rather than for wanting to read it so badly. i’m normally a much slower reader. i’ve rather missed all the glowing computer/tv screens too. 😉

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