This comes from Jennifer Laughran at Books Inc in San Franciso who reports:
It’s on the register! And we’ve already sold two in the five mins its been out of the box!!!!!!!!
Woo hoo!!!!
Now since Jennifer works at a book shop I thinks it’s only fair that I keep the prize open. So if you don’t work in a book shop and you’re the first to send me a piccie of my book out in the wild there’s a signed Magic’s Child and matching book marks just for you.
But you’ll still get your prize, Jennifer. You were first first.
omg, i should probably stop messing around and get to work so i can sell the rest of your books. cheers, and congrats, it looks beeyoutiful.
What do the little cards (booktalkers) say?
teehee –
one says
“the choice: use magic, have anything you like, but die young – or – don’t use magic, but go insane. is there another way? amazing! wowza! yay!”
the other one says:
“a totally unique story about a girl who finds out she has magic… that just might kill her. excellent!!!”
I blush! Now if I could just find a way to get those booktalkers into every book shop in the US of A and Canada . . .
oooh!! fantastic! i really love the magic’s child cover.
I am so annoyed! I went to four book stores yesterday and none of them had Magic’s Child. I nearly hit one of the innocent customer service people at the last one.
Whee!!! 😀
YAY! I can’t WAIT to get my paws on Magic’s Child. I’m so glad you have finished the Elvis/cricket/monkeyfighting etc. novel so I will have more Justine Larbalestier to read soon!
I was at Barnes and Noble right after they opened on Friday morning. I read half of Magic’s Child before I had to leave the house for my 6 p.m. call, and somehow managed to find enough energy to finish reading it after the cast party. You rock! You totally, completely rock!
Thanks everyone. I’m very bummed by the stupid book shops that did not have copies. Damn their eyes!
Faith: Thank you! So pleased you like it. That book almost killed me, but all the positive response I’ve been getting is making me start to think it was worth it.
One thing I’ve always been curious about, is what determines whether a book is published in electronic form also (e.g. see It looks like yours are not– do you know why?
I’m completely convinced now that I want to read your books, but as I am just about to make a big move (from Melbourne to Texas) (!) I’ve forbidden myself the purchase of any new non-electronic books in the interim, so I think they will have to wait.
Not that I’m cheap or anything, but I am a poor college student with a lousy part time job. Anyway the point is when is the paperback copy of MC coming out in America?