England have to make 35 runs an over in order to win. They have but one wicket left. I’d call that a pretty difficult situation. Though, they could hit a six off every remaining ball, so it’s not technically impossible.
I feel so much better. The world is not spinning out of control. The curse has been lifted. Yes, it’s only pyjama cricket, but I’ll take it! I just hope this Australian victory doesn’t mean the Pistons will lose tonight. Nope, not superstitious, me.
Life is good.
Update: now it’s 61 runs an over. Yup, that’s impossible. And now it’s 73. And now, 120. Now 177. Aren’t numbers fun? And then the match was over. Woo hoo!
Update 2: My superstitious fear was correct: the Pistons lost. Sigh. I have to be honest, though, I wouldn’t trade an Australian victory against England for the Pistons taking the NBA finals. No way. I wouldn’t even swap Australia beating England at tiddlywinks or snap or twister for a Pistons victory. Sorry. England are the age-old, mortal enemy. They must be destroyed! (On a sporting arena. In a fair sporting manner.)
Typical Australian. All you do is gloat. You should try to learn the British talent for grace in defeat as well as victory.
You’re right, British Bill, gloating’s not pretty, but someone’s gotta do it. I delegate myself to this onerous task. Aussie! Aussie! Aussie! Oi! Oi! Oi!
About time too. I was beginning to think that your lot would sulk and not play all summer.
Impressed with Jonathan. Lee and Symonds, he said, and he was right.