I have been noticing much skiting on the internets of late. “Oh look,” says a blogger, “look what amazing Advanced Readers Copy I has been sent! Is mine, not yours. Hahahahahah!”
Well, now it’s my turn. I has an ARC of Margo Lanagan‘s first novel in years and years, Tender Morsels. I hugs it to my chest and will share with no one! Well, okay, I’ll share what I thinks of it with you but not the actual ARC cause that’s mine!
But before I get to actually, you know, read the delicious bookie which is calling to me—seriously, everything about it screams, READ ME!, from the gorgeous cover to the jacket copy to the fact that Margo Lanagan wrote it—I must work. Back down into the word mines to excavate sentences and paragraphs of the next book. It’s back-breaking work but someone must do it.
Okay, I write now buoyed by the fact that I have Tender Morsels and you don’t!
I’ve never read anything by Margo Lanagan, but I am remembering how I first heard of Scott Westerfeld. The best librarian I have ever encountered asked me what type of books I liked to read, and then gave me an ARC she had, which was the first of the Midnighters trilogy. Then the second- the arc of which I still have- and so on, to more books and your blog. I like ARCs. You must have fun being an author and getting to see them more often than most people.
Leahr: That’s exactly how ARCs are supposed to work—getting you excited about a new author. Yay for ARCs!
Actually, I think librarians and booksellers see way more ARCs than I do. I am jealous of them!
You must read Lanagan. She’s amazing!
I has a Tender Morsels, too! And I think I shall be ignoring everything I’m supposed to get done for ALA in favor of reading it.
I was in Portland last Monday and saw an ARC of Looking for Alaska for sale (which was weird…) and really wanted to get it… but I didn’t have any money. So then I was back there yesterday and it was gone! I was pretty down, even though I already own the book.
I think the only ARC I’ve gotten before a book actually came out was Spud by John van de Ruit (which is fantastic). I got an ARC of So Yesterday, um, three or four years after it was already out. Haha.
ARCs are the best things ever.
Carlie: You’ve just proved my point about how librarians get all the good ARCs! Which is a good thing for the promoting and buzzing of our books. I do not begrudge you. Just don’t tell me about any more cool ARCs you have that I don’t. The next person to mention the M. T. Anderson is on the naughty mat.
Capt. Cockatiel: I don’t know that you shoudl be paying for ARCs. I’m not saying that for legal reasons but because from the writer’s point of view they’re really crappy. Seriously, they usually have all the typoes and mistakes that will be cleaned up for the real book. They’re the dud early version of the book just to get booksellers and librarians and reviewers excited before the real mostly-typo free version comes out.
The whole magic of ARCs is that there a sneak preview, but when there years old and the real book has long since been published they’re just kind of sad and forlorn and with no real interest except to crazy collectors.
You’re not a crazy collector, are you?
I should at this point confess that I have ARCs of Angela Carter’s first two books. But there are hardly any of them in existence! They is rare and precious. There are thousands and thousands of ARCs of Looking for Alaska and Peeps. They are not even remotely hen’s teeth.
Okay, I might be a crazy collector.
Never mind. Talk amongst yourselves.
Lucky! I love ARCs. Getting the good ones is an artform and sometimes requires a little work. And by work, I mean begging.
I am kind of a crazy collector. I like the typos… >.>
And I have a lot of ARCs that I got after the books came out (years and years before) because in the summer I go to the local bookstore and they give them out. That’s how I got So Yesterday, actually. I couldn’t pass up the free goodness. I should maybe read the real printed version sometime, actually. Ha.
But all they usually have there are old ARCs, so I was lucky to get Spud.
Except then I didn’t actually read it until the real book had come out. Stupid me.
i just got a ARC of the Meg Cabot book AIRHEAD lol i LOVED it 🙂