Southampton: City of Tenuous Jane Austen Connections

While we waited to board the mighty Queen Mary 2, we wandered around Southampton, stopping at Marks & Spencer for knickers, and into Forbidden Planet to stock up on manga for the voyage and (joy!) I signed their stock of the paperback editions of all three volumes of the Magic or Madness trilogy1.

We also goggled at the many Jane Austen plaques. Here, for my mother’s delectation, is a sampling:

Most excellent. Hope you enjoy, Jan!

  1. I love Forbidden Planet. They’re the only English bookshop that stocks my books. Bless them! I also signed copies at their store in London. []


  1. Mahek on #

    WOW! I never knew Southampton uh, had connection to Austen! I’ll have to visit a Forbidden Planet store to get your books then!!!

  2. Charlotte May on #

    Fantabulous I am all astonishment (and delight) !

    🙂 xxxxxxxxooooooooo

  3. Hillary! on #

    Forbidden Planet is such a cool name for a book store!

  4. Dave Hogg on #

    “On this spot in 1807, Jane Austen was heard to exclaim ‘Someday, I hope there will be a fine bookshop in this town, which I don’t even remember the name of, and that it will sell my books. And the books of Justine Larbalestier.'”

  5. sable_starr on #

    You must must tell me what manga you bought! I’ve been seriously addicted to manga the last couple months and I have to say manga = awesome! Especially Nana (I just read the scan of the latest chapter and wow, it gave me a major headache and a case of the sniffles.) Yup, so you absolutely must write more about manga 🙂

    And those plaques are cool.

    Also congrats on the nomination!

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