I’m super excited to reveal what Razorhurst will look like when Soho Teen publish it in the USA next March. Quite a contrast to the Australian cover, eh? Yet at the same time they both have that gorgeous, strong font treatment.
I adore that font and those colours. I hope you do too. Everyone who’s seen this cover has been wildly enthusiastic uttering comments like, “I would buy that in a heartbeat.” “Utterly beautiful.” “Wow, that’s so commercial.” All of it music to my ears.
Soho’s edition will have a bonus glossary. Yes, you US readers are going to be spoiled. It also means the USA Razorhurst will be my first novel to have both a glossary and a map.1 That’s right, Soho are keeping the beautiful map used in the Allen and Unwin edition. Still gorgeous, isn’t it?
Map plus glossary? What could be cooler? Nothing. I can’t wait until all my US readers can get their hands on Razorhurst. March is so soon, youse guys!
- Razorhurst is my fifth novel with a glossary. Because I love them: Words, definitions, dictionaries, glossaries, they are all my dearest loves. [↩]
I adore that font. I also like the backwards ‘R’ and the subtle call it makes back to the Liar cover/branding. Unless I’m reading too much into it. (I probably am, since the Liar cover I’m most familiar with is the A&U Australian trade edition.)
I haven’t bought Razorhurst yet. Now I might have to wait until March and import this edition.
So glad you like it. They definitely weren’t riffing off either the US or Oz Liar covers. But it’s nice that that echo’s there. I, too, am very fond of the occasional backwards letter.
I would, however, encourage you to buy the local edition or borrow it from a library here. I very much want to keep being published in Australia by an Australian publisher. 🙂