After Scott put up this post about his appearances for the rest of this year, I realised I should do likewise because most of those places he is, I will be also. An eerie coincidence, I know.
Most of the events are in Australia. Sorry, rest of the world, who may have some interest in saying hello. We’ll always have Twitter.
Canberra, ACT
April 26-28
I’ll be interviewing the brilliant and wonderful Nalo Hopkinson on Saturday, 27 April (i.e. two days away) at 2:30PM, Forrest Room 1 & 2 at the Rydges Capital Hill. (Do come say hi. Unless I’m, like, on stage or in the ladies room or something.) Conference site.
3-13 May
I am turning off the internet for this whole week. No twitter, no nothing. It’s going to be AWESOME. The mental hygiene, I needs it. Oh, okay, I’m just turning it off for me, yours will still chug along. (Probably.)
Sunday, 26 May
Sydney Writers Festival
Pier 2/3 Club Stage
I imagine this will involve juggling and poker. I bet we can get Libba to pop out her fake eye. I love it when she does that.
Walsh Bay, Sydney, NSW
This is free and no bookings required.
Melbourne Writer’s Festival
August 22-30
I’ll be attending and saying wise stuff with other wise people. Details not set yet, but you can always check back here or on the festival site.
Brisbane Writers Festival
September 4-8
There will be more wisdoms here in sunny Brisvegas. Again as soon as I know what I’ll be doing I will share with you. Festival site
There may be other events in which case I will let you know here on the blog. You can also check my appearances page which I am most scrupulous about keeping up to date.
I really hope I’ll get to see/meet some of you this year.
I am really glad you’re finally appearing at the Sydney Writers’ Festival, which is IMO one of the best writers’ festivals in the world. 🙂 One of the big things I miss about Sydney.
You just made my day! I will see you both in Pittsburgh. 😀
Lizabelle: Actually I did an event at the Sydney Writers Festival last year with Isobel Carmody and others. Was fun. Sad you can’t come see us this year.
Mia: Awesome! See you there.