Gloating is wrong, I know, but I can’t help myself. I have the new Megan Whalen Turner book to read and you don’t! Mwahahahahaha.
I shall read it immediately. But I won’t tell you a thing because the book isn’t out until the end of March and I know you all hate spoilers as much as I do. So, yes, I will kill anyone who spoils it in the comments.
And now I’m off to read!
Update: Finished. It was good.
Ohhh I am filled with hate and envy right now. I am so very much dying to read this book and I haven’t been able to get my hands on an ARC yet. The Attolia books are some of my absolute favorites and I’m always trying to send them home with teens at my library. I’ve actually gotten a couple of them into the series as well, so now we’re all agonizing over the wait for A Conspiracy of Kings together.
I think my head just exploded.
<wails with all the woe of a cat being taken to the vet>
Actually, the real torture for me will come when it comes out and I have to decide whether to buy it in hardcover ($$$ plus doesn’t fit my bookshelf) or to prod my library into buying it and wait.
Darnit, I need to become a famous author so people will send me these things early. <goes and glares at stubborn draft>
OH that is not fair! Is there no way I can get hold of it? I love her books! Please share the wealth or if you’re not allowed to, at least hold out some hope for the rest of us getting a copy?
But Justine, you gloat so well! You should highlight your evident talents, and do it more often. Are you eating mangosteen while reading?
Curse you, I say! Curse and fume and stamp my flat feet! I want!
(If you have time, drop by yesterday’s LJ post:
Ha! Already read it — but I’m not spoiling either!
Grrr. I read The Thief years ago but my library didn’t have the second book so I was stuck in that “I want to read it but can’t find it limbo!” Cue finding out over break that my college library has it and running in the first day I’m back to start re-reading. Gotten to the third book and now I want the fourth! Ack, must distract myself with other books!
So envious. MWT is awesome.
I am so envious. I’ve been looking forward to this since I first read KING. Just 2 more months!
Coincidentally, I just finished Queen of Attolia last night. Yeah, I get to things behind everybody else in the world apparently. Good news is I won’t be waiting desperately for this one as long as everyone else here has been…
My friend got an ARC, too, and let me borrow it! I love it so much! MWT is AMAZING!!!!!!!!
*is now hyper*
*weeps with jealousy*
Glad to hear you think it’s good–that will help me fork over my money more cheerfully when it comes out for the hoi polloi.
Jeanne: I don’t think Megan Whalen Turner can write a bad book but I will say that I thought Conspiracy was the weakest of the four. Which still means it’s better than the vast majority of books.
I started kicking my heels against my chair, waving my clenched fists and shouting “No Fair! No Fair! No Fair!” This was while at work.
I think I shall sulk now.