Post for Maureen

Tonight I saw Alan Cumming sing an Abba song! Well, okay, he said he was going to sing an Abba song because it was Sydney and he knows that all Australians love Abba and that Abba had more number one hit records here than anywhere else in the world, including Sweden.1 But the song he said was an Abba song wasn’t an Abba song. Cause he’s Scottish and they’re tricky like that.

He did sing a song by Dolly Parton, Victoria Wood and songs from Hedwig and the Angry Inch, Cabaret and a musical I never heard of. Also some Gershwin.

He was incredibly charming and name droppy and did the whole cabaret I’m-fabulous!-You’re-fabulous!-We’re-all-fabulous! thing excellently well. I am always amazed at how charmed I can be by a cabaret show when the performer doesn’t have that great a voice. But we walked out all happy and bouncy.

Also, Maureen, we saw Mr Cumming here:

Sydney Opera House as seen from the Manly ferry

It were fun.

Wish you were here, too Maureen!

  1. Little known fact: you can’t become an Australian citizen if you don’t like Abba. []


  1. Seth Christenfeld on #

    What was the musical you’d never heard of? Chances are good that I can tell you all about it.

  2. Maureen Johnson on #

    Just remember . . . . YOU WILL BE HERE SOON. Just REMEMBER that!

  3. Justine on #

    Seth: If I could remember what it was called chances are good I woulda googled it. Sadly I am old and my memory is shot. But it was one written in the last ten years or so.

    Maureen: I don’t understand. I thought this post would please you. It’s full of Abba factoids. Where is the love?

  4. Malcolm Tredinnick on #

    Unless the Manly ferry got horribly lost that day, that photo is not taken from said ferry. The photo is from inside Farm Cove looking back to the Opera House and Bridge.

  5. Maureen Johnson on #

    I have nothing but love for the Abba and for YOU! I was expressing EXCITEMENT at the fact that soon you will BE HERE to tell me all about this IN PERSON! Oh yes. We’re waiting for you, our cold little faces glistening with glee, rubbing out numb little hands together in anticipation. You can tell us all about it, as we skip through the sleet!

    I am BEHIND YOU, I always FIND YOU, I am THE TIGER!

  6. V on #

    It’s true. ABBA is on the citizenship test.

  7. Justine on #

    Malcolm: I hate to break it to you but I took that photo from the Manly ferry with my phone. So I can guarantee it was taken from the Manly ferry.

    Maureen: I wish Alan Cumming had sung “Tiger” it would have been awesome. Did I mention I saw Alan Cumming last night?

    V: Thank you for backing me up. I fear Maureen does not believe it!

  8. Malcolm Tredinnick on #

    Justine, I stand corrected then.

    I’m still sticking with the “captain got lost” theory, though (okay, he was probably avoiding other craft, but that’s less interesting). That looks a long way north of the normal ferry route back from Manly.

  9. Seth Christenfeld on #

    Dang. Do you remember the song at all?

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