1. Julia Rios on #

    Yay for the tour going well!

    After puzzling for weeks over what fairy I might have, and nearly coming to the conclusion that I didn’t have one, I finally figured it out today! I’d posted yet another useful link in answer to a question on a friend’s blog, and my boyfriend said, “You’re good at the internet.” And that was all it took. I clearly have an internet fairy. She helps me find answers to random questions even when other people fail. I have to say in the grand scheme of things, this is a pretty nice fairy to have. I just wish I could also have an efficiency fairy to make me focus on getting work done before learning random facts for others.

  2. Julie on #


    I just finished HTDYF and I had to stop by and say how much I enjoyed it. It’s a very unique book, and I really liked it.

    Also… boy, would I like that sleep fairy (she says as she notices that it’s 3:40 a.m.—whoops!). I think that instead I have a get-along-with-anyone fairy, which I do very much appreciate and enjoy. It’s very helpful to be able to get along with anybody, whether they become your new best friend or just a temporary acquaintance.

    A couple of my friends would also claim I have a remembering-the-name-of-obscure-Hollywood-actors fairy, but she sometimes takes days off, resulting in a track record of less than 100%. Oh well. I just happen to think that one should bother to learn the names of people you see in bit parts in 25 different movies.

    Thanks again for sharing your stories with us! I’ll be looking up the Magic or Madness trilogy as well, but I think I’ll have to zip through Extras first—can’t wait!

    Best of luck with the rest of your tour!

  3. Julia on #

    You were awesome! I finished How to Ditch Your Fairy last night,and it was amazing. 🙂

  4. Bethany on #

    Oh, darn! I thought your appearance was next Saturday, I was driving up to Rhode Island yesterday, or I would have come! 🙁 I’m sorry. If you do a reading in Manhattan, I will definitely come. I’ll attempt to get HtDYF soon, it sounds great.

  5. Miranda (I have a Field Hockey Fairy) on #

    I just finished HTDYF today, and after thinking for a very long time about what fairy I have I finally figured it out. My fairy is a Field Hockey Fairy, I score exactly two goals a game no more, no less. EVER. So there it is. Although, I would much rather have a Lee Pace falls in love with me fairy. I love Pushing Daisies. It’s a show if nobody knew that already. Haha. Byez.

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