Ciao San Francisco

Scott here, guest-blogging from the West Coast Tour Command Center (aka Room 401). Justine is out talking to kids at schools, so I’m holding down the fort (aka ordering room service). This is just a reminder that Justine has a gig at Not Your Mother’s Book Club tonight (aka Thursday, Sep 18).

The store is Books Inc.
The address is 601 Van Ness.
The city is San Francisco.
The time: 7PM.

We hope to see you there!

And just because I’m briefly in control of Justine’s blog: it’s ‘color,’ not ‘colour.’ That’s because we save our u’s for this:

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!

(I’m in so much trouble. Heh.)


  1. beth on #

    U-S-A! U-S-A! 🙂

  2. the dragonfly on #

    Scott, you are hysterical.


  3. Patrick on #

    I’m down with 2383!

    psst – you broke her website! Your post – it has no title!

  4. sammi on #

    you’re going to get it. very funny though. have fun!

  5. Haddy-la on #

    and favourite and gail (or however you spell jail) and pjs


  6. Cheryl on #

    Sorry mate, leaving for London tomorrow, I have to pack tonight. Hope it all goes well.

    Cymru am byth

  7. Ally B. on #

    I would watch your back now, Scott 😉

  8. Karen on #

    So unfair! I’m going to be in San Francisco a week from now. You guys couldn’t have dragged this west coast tour out a little longer? Anyway, excited to read the book. PS. Great poster — I hope you’re bringing one home as a memento to frame and hang.

  9. Mer Haskell on #

    You win at blog stealing!

    For now…

  10. Maureen Johnson on #

    Wait . . . you are Justine. And Robin is you.

    Who am I?

    Who is Justine?

    Whose pants are these?

  11. Liset on #

    i just missed it!

  12. cat on #

    Guy, your blog stealing is funny. I hope Justine does not notice. Good luck. Hope you can run REAL fast…maybe you will get a head start…hahahah. Hope you do an unauthorized cameo blog again. And that idea of keeping a poster and framing it was a good one. Hope you guys can do it. It would be cool on the wall…still in love with her coat-of-arms boots.c

  13. lotti on #

    Hey Scott.

    U-S-A sounds like paradise for bad spellers like me. Although I doubt anyone else ever spelt ‘any’ with two ns…

  14. Mahek on #

    I like colour more. Color looks funny!

  15. Sonja on #

    Yeh Scott I think you are in some trouble 🙂
    But I think you’ll be spared some cos it was funny.

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