My grossness wins again (updated with contest to win book)

My short story in First Kiss (Then Tell) edited by Cylin Busby continues to garner praise for how disgusting it is. Here’s what Bookshelves of Doom has to say:

Justine Larbalestier’s “Pashin’ or The Worst Kiss Ever” was my favorite, hands down. I’ve read it three times (once aloud to Josh), and it made me gag every single time. No, that’s not a typo. I said gag, and I meant it. Literally.

I am so very proud.

Go on, read a copy, you know you want to find out if my story’s as gross as they say. Plus there are some excellent non-disgusting stories in there by the likes of Cecil Castellucci, Shanon Hale, David Levithan, and Robin Wasserman. Not to mention is perfect gift for Valentine’s Day!

Update: Cecil Castellucci is offering copies of First Kiss as a prize. All you have to do for a chance to win is email her the story of your first kiss or of your fave movie kiss. Send them to misscecil (at) earthlink (dot) net


  1. capt. cockatiel on #

    I really want to get a hold of this anthology, but it is nowhere to be found! Not the library, not Borders – nowhere!
    I must continue my search…

  2. Mary Elizabeth S. on #

    You’re not alone Capt. I can’t find a copy either. And I asked my local bookstore to order it for me. Did they? Noooooooo. *sadness* I will ask again, of course. (Who wouldn’t?)


  3. jonathan on #

    I’d love to read it too. But when will it come out in Aus??

  4. cecil on #

    and hey! I am even having a contest to give two copies of it away! (one for under 18s one for over 182) So if anyone wants to read Justine (and mines) story for themselves, email me the story of your first kiss or of your fave movie kiss. to misscecil (at) earthlink (dot) net

    xoxoxox (those are kisses, but not first ones)

    cecil !!!

  5. PJ Hoover on #

    Wow – all this hype. I’m totally intrigued. Next time I’m at the bookstore, I’ll place my order.

  6. limeywesty on #

    I love all this Valentine-y kisses, stuff…

    For Valentine’s day, all I did was heart shaped pasta for dinner.
    Actually, I thought that was super sweet, and past never tasted better!

    Now, I shall go off and think up my favourite movie kiss…
    hmmm *cogs whirring* wow. this is harder than I thought it would be!

  7. Camille on #


    Tangential — there’s an incredibly, deceptively powerful feeling to realizing that you’re the ONLY one who has yet voted on a poll. Right this second, my vote equals 100 percent!

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