While we were in Chicago for the Great Lakes Booksellers Association conference in October, me, John Scalzi and Scott Westerfeld recorded a podcast in which he purportedly interviews us about our books. Zombies do come up—cause really when writers get together what else are they gonna talk about?
Apparently this is part 1 of the convo. Will keep you posted when the rest of it goes up.
P.S. Scalzi’s pronunciation of my surname is prefectly accurate. I was just teasing him.
I like your voice. why do you laugh all the time?
where is everyone?
Ah! Now I’m really excited for the ufb! I’m going to explode with waiting or something! Gah!
But that was really awesome and funny. (:
Weee! I feel like I’m a big ball of energy! I now know stuff about The Ultimate Fairy Book! Haha, ferries. That made me giggle.
you *don’t* pronounce it lar-ba-less-tee-ayy? i fear that i will continue to pronounce it this way in my head. i will attempt to get it right if/when we ever meet someday.