Okay, why did no one tell me what a flawed masterpiece American Gothic is? Is there any other brilliant tellie of the last twenty years you’re hiding from me? I mean I never even heard of American Gothic before! Why? Twin Peaks is total rubbish in comparison. (Don’t get me started on my Twin Peaks hatred. What an evil tease of a tv show!)
If my next novel features an evil but charming sheriff trying to corrupt their illegitimate child you’ll know why.
“Someone’s at the door?” American Gothic? How did you miss that? I never watched it, yet I knew all about it because the TV commercials wouldn’t stop. Evah.
I usually say “The Wire”, but you know about that already.
Filling out my top three is Cracker (the British one, obv.) and The Sandbaggers.
I never really got into American Gothic… found it a bit too religious-y… and TV shows where the central character is a kid tend to annoy me after a while:-)
I always find it hard to recommend shows (particularly) series to other people, since tastes and expectations vary so much — as does the quality of stories within a series, often.
Still, it seems cowardly not to play at all ,so two I haven’t seen mentioned on this blog before: Dark Angel — mixed quality sometimes and terminates abruptly when it was canned, but entertaining — and Spooks (BBC), particularly the earlier seasons.
Oh boy, I loved that show. They didn’t air the last four episodes in the US until after it was cancelled and the Sci-Fi Channel picked it up. I should really get those DVDs.
You may have just spoiled a major plot point in the series, but whatever–it’s been around for years.
Have you seen Wild Palms? You might like that too.
We just watched on DVD the BBC series Wild West with Dawn French (the west is Cornwall). It’s very odd but very very good. Will have to check out American Gothic – thanks! we don’t watch any tv because I’m allergic to commercials and the news and reality tv. So we watch everything on dvd and rely on recommendations.
I second chris’s recommendation of cracker – that’s quite odd too, but character development is brilliant.
Try Supernatural.
Not season is currently airing anywhere at the moment (they’re filming), but Season 1 is out on DVD and Season 2 will be soon (September 11th USA, October 8th Australia 🙂 ).
It’s awesome 🙂
I watched it when it first came out, and I was so happy when it was finally released on DVD. Flawed, certainly, but the good parts are so very good. Definitely the best supernatural TV show ever created by a former teen heartthrob (Shaun Cassidy), too.
QUOTE: Definitely the best supernatural TV show ever created by a former teen heartthrob (Shaun Cassidy), too.
Supernatural was created by Eric Kripke…
Edwina: American Gothic was created by Shaun Cassidy which is what Tim was referring to.
OMG, I freaking LOVED this show while it was on for a nanosecond. And that it was made by Shaun Cassidy? Bliss. Of course, I’m like the Anti-Nielsens, so if I like a show, it’s pretty much doomed.
american gothic – what fun! creepy, mysterious, and cheesy (but in a good way). i am also very partial to the adventures of briscoe county jr. starring bruce campbell, plus john astin as the friendly neighborhood crazy inventor.
Looks like I need to find some American Gothic…
i could cry when i think about how much i miss that show. ‘buck with a b’!
I dunno. After a while I got tired of the “Sheriff Lucas offers Caleb a shiny new Corvette but Merlyn convinces Caleb it’s the better part of wisdom to keep his beat-up old bicycle” plot.