Wow, thanks so much for all the fascinating responses to my last post. The reason I haven’t commented (or responded to anyone’s email) for the last five days was because I was in Kyoto with my family celebrating my mother’s birthday (more on that anon). My mum didn’t know me and my sister would be there so I could hardly blog about it before hand . . .
No time for a proper post so in the meantime can any of you help out Rachel Manija Brown? She’s looking for good non-fiction books about particular cities. She explains what she’s after here. Clearly, she needs to be told about ace books on Sydney!
Hah! I went over and recommended The Lady and the Monk: Four Seasons in Kyoto, by Pico Iyer.
whoa, you were in kyoto?! your mum lives in kyoto?! I love kyoto! never mind my request, write all about kyoto and post pictures, please!
wait. did the third book come out from magic or madness triology???
Did it?
Rachel: My mum doesn’t live in Kyoto. My dad picked it as the halfway point between the States and Australia, which it is if you’re coming from Los Angeles (where my sister lives at the moment) not so much from NYC.
Will post on the trip in the future. In short: fabulous food, temples, and people. Much fun was had.
Cecelia: Nope. Magic’s Child is not out until next March. Shortly after the paperback of Magic Lessons comes out. Trust me: I will announce both events long and loud.
Tell us about Kyto!