French cover of Magic or Madness

This is my first foreign language edition, published by Editions du Panama. I’m stoked! And don’t you think it looks like my name belongs there? With all those other French words? I’ve returned to my motherland! Or, okay, my great great great grandmother’s land (give or take a few greats).

Very different to the US cover, eh? I imagine the woman is meant to be Esmeralda, which fits with the title: In the Witch’s Claws.


  1. Gwenda on #

    OMG, it’s beautiful! You should get yourself a nice wall-hanging made of that. I love it. The giant toad is AWESOME. Yay!

  2. Chris Barzak on #

    that is so cool! it’s so…french!

  3. Andrew Wheeler on #

    That is quite a cover — it looks like something from Weird Tales in the ’30s, almost. Very nifty.

  4. Cherie Priest on #

    WOW! That’s really awesome! And yes, verra verra French 😉

  5. Diana Peterfreund on #

    i like esmeralda…. but… okay, I’m going with #3. It’s very “french”.

  6. jennifer (aka literaticat) on #

    Wow, that is hot. It looks very Dillons-esque. (Which, in my opinion, is a compliment of the highest order!)

  7. cecil on #

    total beaut cake of a cover! and yes, your name does look perfect there.

  8. John Scalzi on #

    Every cover should have a giant toad on it. I’m just saying.

  9. Jason Erik Lundberg on #

    Very groovy, and I dig the giant toad. And yeah, your name is definitely appropriate among all the French words. So what part of France was your great-great whatever grandmother from?

  10. Justine on #

    Cane toad “evolving” into an eco disaster? They’ve been a disaster ever since they were brought over from Hawaii.

    I was very touched though to have a cane toad on the front cover. It’s the one truly Aussie touch . . .

  11. lili on #

    love the cane toad! love it!

  12. da on #


  13. da on #

    oh! and tres francaise

  14. margo on #

    Your name belongs there but bigger, so much bigger! (I did type that in caps before remembering your anti-caps rule).

    Deeply gorgeous. A poster big enough to go floor-to-ceiling in the Surry Hills apartment entertainment area. Nothing less.

  15. Charlotte May on #

    Frantastic !!! A spitting image of …!!!!!

  16. Lauren Cerand on #

    Swoon; that’s a beauty — congratulations, Justine!

  17. rjurik on #

    Oo la la. C’est magnifique. Super-good.

  18. holly on #


  19. Justine on #

    Wow! I sure do hope your reactions are an indication of how it’s going to be received in France!

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