
31st Last Day of 2006 16
30th Comment Notification 5
30th Resolutions 23
29th 4-0 and England weeps 8
28th To google or not to google 6
27th Don’t 18
26th Boxing Day 21
23rd Summer in Australia 12
22nd Magic Lessons shortlisted! 11
21st No way! (updated) 9
20th Are short stories necessary? 37
19th Survey Results 8
19th Titles 11
18th The Ashes 11
17th I love my job: part the millioneth 7
16th The third day . . . 10
16th Two surveys 0
15th Why do all the writers know each other? 10
14th Your book no belonga you 17
13th What not to wear* 28
12th How to write a fantasy novel (Updated) 8
11th Best of the year list 14
9th a tip for toilet designers 8
8th Delany advice writ little 12
7th Email Hassles 2
7th Reading 24
5th Never Say Die 13
5th Fingernails being bitten . . . 37
4th Chapter titles 29
2nd Lovely news 20


30th For your edermahcayshun 14
29th Little things 11
28th The Year of Little Reading 16
27th Adulthood (Updated) 24
23rd Ashes to Ashes 48
22nd Outlining 16
22nd Quick note to LJers (Updated) 12
21st Writing Goals 15
19th Persons of Interest 12
18th Another Magic’s Child Preview (with notes) 7
17th The real writing rules 3
16th They’re just techniques, people! 33
14th Good work ain’t always published 18
13th Horrifying discoveries 6
12th Lovely review 7
10th Bangkok 6
7th Magic’s Child preview! 14


26th If this is Thursday . . . 12
19th Expectations and embarrassment 19
17th How to talk to authors 24