Lovely Maud just linked to this collection of Amazon one-star reviews of books that made Time‘s top 100 books list (of which I have read only 41 ’cause they left off most of my faves—Bastards! Unsurprisingly, it’s very US-centric). Anyways, the whole one-star reviews thing made me very very happy. Reading one-star Amazon reviews always makes me very happy. They so funny!
When you have the time, read the amazon reviews (both U.S. and UK) for “Shadowmancer”. They’re better than the actual book.
Hysterical! It’s hard to say whether the funnier reviews are the ones I agree with or the ones I don’t….
hehe – just sent the link to the noise email group here – most enjoyed “definitely killed the Sat. morning blues…”
Janet and Niki: aren’t they? I particularly loved the one that accused c. s. lewis of product placement in the Narnia books with his excessive mentions of turkish delight.
Livia: sorry that your comment got held up in the moderation queue. Damned spammers. Oh, how I hates them.
I just had a look at those reviews. Hilarious!