Tour de France (updated)

At least there’s one epic non-US sports event I can watch live in the USA: the glorious Tour de France. The first stage began today and the yankee, David Zabriskie, is warming the yellow jersey for Lance Armstrong. I’m not saying Armstrong’s gonna win overall, but we all know he’s going to be seeing a lot of yellow time. There goes my writing schedule!

This is where I’ll be getting my online coverage. Thanks again to Christopher and Gwenda for introducing me to the glories of the daily peloton.


  1. marrije on #

    Oooooh, Tour de France! That I can talk about with some knowledge, unlike the cricket thing. Tour de France = summer, and I’m looking forward to lots of hot days in the garden, checking into the hot mountain action from time to time. And the late-night shouting at the television, because our main Tour presenter on tv is such a sentimental self-important windbag… He’s on now, and already I cringe at the sound of his voice. and Sheryl crow’s on too! oodles of fun.

  2. Justine on #

    Excellent to find another Tour fan. Yay! So who are you hoping will take yellow and green this year? Obviously, I’m barracking for the Australians.

  3. gwenda on #

    We almost emailed you during today’s stage, cause I figured you were watching. McEwan almost got it.

    And, once again, the Trautwig sux ducks!

    I wish they would have shown all the jury presentations (I hope this isn’t a trend of nattering instead of showing), especially Little Tongue Tommy Voeckler’s.

  4. Justine on #

    I was happy. Lots of dramas this morning. Would Voeckler get the polka dots? Who was going to sprint it home? Jocky McEwen or . . . ? Good to see four Aussies in the top ten. I have a good feeling . . .

    Yes, please, email! I’ll be in front of the Tour most mornings. It’s so nice not to have to stay up all night to watch it like I do at home.

  5. marrije on #

    As you may know, the dutch haven’t been very successful in these past years, haven’t won anything of importance since, oh, 1980 or thereabouts. well, yes, a few etappes, but not enough to root for anybody.

    i think/fear lance will take the yellow again this year, and the green is for sissies anyway 🙂

    but seriously, i mostly enjoy the epic aspect of the thing – the hardship, the food poisonings, the strikes, the terrible accidents (beloki, casartelli), the endless nattering on tv each night… tour de france is a sort of beyond-human soap opera, i guess.

    btw, i love the new words i learn here. ‘barracking’ is just brilliant. onya, justine!

    um, and gwenda, who’s the trautwig???

  6. Paul on #

    How could an Aussie NOT be following the Tour at, ‘the world center of cycling’? Nothing is better than bike-mad Aussies ranting – live, from the Cyclingnews blimp ‘Hindenburg IV’ – about the world’s greatest sport. Their live coverage is the best – I can eat my Wheatabix and read the latest posts via the internet (no TV for us…). Go Lance!

  7. Justine on #

    Marrije: were you happy about your Dutch boy today? Oh, and Trautwig is an unfortunate compere on the US coverage. Fortunately, he’s easily avoided if you’re a freelance layabout and can watch the live broadcast. The US synonym for “barracking” means something rather rude in Australia, so you will not read me using it.

    Paul: sure cyclingnews is not too foul either, but they don’t have Crazy Jane—though as far as I can tell, neither does Daily Peloton this year. Won’t be the same without her Jambon Délicieux reports. Sob.

  8. gwenda on #

    Sadly, we have to watch the live coverage when we get home from work on weekdays (mostly).

    Wherefore Crazy Jane? I am very sad at her absence!

    (And now I am ready for the people to. stop. it. with. the. fireworks.)

  9. marrije on #

    Oh, yes I was happy! Dekkertje!!! Pity he didn’t win, but I think we’ve already decided to annex flanders so boonen can be our guy too.

  10. Justine on #

    Gwenda: she’s moved to Europe and only just arrived in London and thus is too busy to entertain us. I call lame!

    Marrije: Oh sure, Boonen can be your bloke. And I sense great things for all the Dutch riders this year. World conquerage next!

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