Then There Were Two

Now there are two manuscripts sitting on my desk glaring at me, waiting to be checked and made perfect. The pages for the Australian edition of Magic or Madness just arrived. Corrections on it and Daughters of Earth are due the same day. At least morm isn’t 800 pages long and full of complicated footnotes and bibliography and other irritating scholarly apparatus. Stupid scholarly apparatus.

There go my fingernails.


  1. Terra & Saxby on #

    I have to tell you Thank you and I am hooked! My daughter, who is 8, and I are huge “Charmed” fans and I just happened to pick up your book this weekend for something to read until the next Dean Koontz or Harry Potter came out. WELL, I have now put you at the top of my list with Rowling, Koontz and King! I love Magic or Madness and so does my daughter! We anxiously await your next novel in March 2006, please hurry!
    Someone definitely over 12! 😉

  2. Justine on #

    Thank you so much—that’s heady company to be in! I am so pleased you enjoyed MorM (and that you’re hooked)! I’ve been hearing from quite a few Charmed fans who are into it. Interesting. It’s not a show I’ve seen much of—maybe I should check it out.

    Sadly, hurrying me won’t get you magic lessons—the sequel to MorM—any faster. I’ve done my bit: the book is written. It’s my publishers, not me, who determine when it comes out. Publishing is a slow, slow business. I wrote a bit about why it takes so long here.

    Thanks again for posting!

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