I am old

It’s 1AM at Wiscon (no, I haven’t bothered to change this blog to Madison time, it’s still on NYC time) and I’m about to go to bed despite the many parties raging on the 6th floor. This is because I am old now, not because I’m avoiding ex-friend Mely and her Serenity keychain of taunt.

Things I learned on the first official day of Wiscon:

Frank Lloyd Wright was crazy.

The cover of Kelly Link’s new book is beautiful.

Pan Morrigan went on tour with Bobby McFerrin and she’s giving a free concert here at WisCon on Saturday at 10:30PM.

Ted Chiang starts stories by writing the last paragraph first.

Maureen McHugh starts at the beginning and has no idea where she’s going until she gets there.

That is all. I am old and must sleep now.


  1. Shelly Rae on #

    What happened to the party to dawn woman I used to know who left “Harlett Red” lip prints on my cheek as I got on the 38 Geary bus after a long evening at Mad Dog in the Fog? I’m certain we saw the sun up then and a few other times. Or was it not the sun but simply the blaze of light from your smile?
    you whimp.

  2. Ron on #

    i hear you sistah! am feeling just the same during the european vacation thang. by the time i’ve walked my feet feet off seeing another bloody palace, museum, art gallery or church, i’m stuffed! never really used to be like this… arrghh! i’m old too!

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