Remember way back on Wednesday when I previewed the Oz cover of my next novel, Liar? Well, now it’s time to have a squizz at what my publisher in the US of A came up with. This cover was so well received by sales and marketing at Bloomsbury that for the first time in my career a cover for one of my books became the image used for the front of the catalogue. Front of the catalogue! One of my books! Pretty cool, huh?
Apparently all the big booksellers went crazy for it. My agent says it was a huge hit in Bologna. And at TLA many librarians and teenagers told me they adore this cover. In fact one girl said she thinks the US cover of Liar is the best cover she’s ever seen! Wasn’t that sweet of her?
So here it is, the USian cover of Liar:
It was designed by Danielle Delaney the genius responsible for the paperback cover of How To Ditch Your Fairy. Have I mentioned that’s my fave cover I’ve ever had?
Here’s hoping this cover helps Liar fly off the shelves in North America!
What do youse lot think?
Update: I’m shutting off the comments here because I have written a longer post about the US cover of Liar and the outrage about it. If you have something to say about the cover please say so over there.
Oooh, me gusta.
That is the best cover EVER. I love it!
That is one very striking cover. I know you liked the type treatment — which was unusually and in terms of graphic design really interesting. This one though kind of jumps out. Im(of course humble)o.
Love the black & white!
That’s lovely. I like how her hair is covering her mouth. It feels symbolic.
Very pretty, very eye-catching. What I want to know though, is: does the model look like the character?
I forgot WANT.
Wow, that is hot. People will buy it just to put it on their coffee tables. I, however, promise to read it. :’)
Whoa! That *IS* a fabulous cover!!!! I’m totally mesmerized by it!
That is a really good cover. I can see that jumping off the display table like Twilight and Paper Towns.
Oooh, I want to hear more of your victory parade in Bologna! Till then, I love your model’s direct gaze – nicely offsets the LIAR.
I’ll be buying it! Nice!
I’ll tell you, the covers of YA books have VASTLY improved over the last couple of years and this one raises the bar even higher!
I love it! Humans are hard-wired to seek out faces, so this should catch people’s attention on crowded shelves. The black and white photo is extra striking.
That’s a fantastic cover. I am totally buying this book.
(Granted, I would have anyway, but that is a really super-keen cover.)
I LOVE IT! Thanks Khy for pointing me here!
Justine I think this cover is so mysterious and it really is mystical, I bet it was just fly off the cover with the lime green and the black and white, and then those intense eyes! AMAZING!
I want a copy terribly badly now. I don’t even know what it’s about either!
I love this cover. I was already extremely excited to read it when I heard what it was about, but now I want it just so I can stare at the pretty cover!
WOW!! That cover is amazing!
Are you happy with it?
aaarrrrgggg! I have so much to do because I was out of any kind of internet for the last week!!
I like it! I actually like it better than the Australian cover, but that works, since I live in the US of A. Can’t wait to read a copy!
The eyes have it! Remember the famous National Geographic cover of the girl with the EYES. Intriguing title, too. Italians love that smart, simplicity “reductionist” thing in design. I can see why Bologna is such a fan! Sexy, direct yet mysterious. Ah, Bologna, a great, intellectual city, approx. 100,000 college students at what is considered the oldest university in the world (founded 1088). Yes, tell us more about this parade related to Bologna. Huge congrats to you!
I must admit to being confused. There’s a discussion going on here about whether or not your cover represents your book. Yes, it’s a fab photo, but your narrator is black with short hair and looks like a boy? Perhaps you can help us clear up the confusion.
Sarah Laurenson: I’ll have more to say about the US cover of Liar later. But I think it’s important to remember that covers are outside an author’s area of control. So if people have a problem with the cover they should be letting the publisher know because they’re the ones who have the power to change it, not the author.
Totally understood, Justine. We were hoping you might have some insight that we’re missing. I did try to find a contact for Bloomsbury, but haven’t looked hard enough apparently.
Hope the controversy helps sell many of your book – Australian edition!
I don’t think your publishers realize just how much of a problem the cover may be in the US. While it’s a fantastic shot, I don’t believe they realize how fragile race relations are in this country and they may be in for quite a backlash. Hope it doesn’t derail the message in your novel.
I am certainly interested to see how Bloomsbury handles this; the disparity between the cover and the contents is no small issue to me.