Why I like the Bay Area

Because they have signs like this at the entrance to their school libraries:

Isn’t that absolutely wonderful? Made me so happy!

Yesterday I got many texts telling me that How To Ditch Your Fairy had been boingled. Thank you, Cory! And Whatever’d. Thank you, Scalzi! And Slayground’d! Thank you, Little Willow! I also learned that HTDYF is on the Lone Star list. Since Texas is my favourite state in the union1 that pretty much made my day too.

To quickly answers some questions: The tour is going fabulously. I’m having the time of my life. I heart all the bookshops I’ve been to Kepler’s, The Storyteller and Copperfield’s. And the girls and a few boys I’ve gotten to talk to have all been smart, engaged, funny and fantabulous. I want to stay on tour forever.

Also the food in the Bay Area has been heavenly. Yay!

And now I must go out and tour some more.

  1. Other than all the other ones I love. []


  1. Book Chic on #

    That’s an awesome sign. I saw one similar to it in Seattle outside of a restaurant, so it said all of those things, except instead of the last line that’s in your pic, it said “No being an asshole.” or something similar to that. I wish I had written it down when I got back to the hotel that night cuz it seriously was an awesome sign. I’d never seen one like it before and now there’s another one like it! I’m guessing the West Coast just rocks like that. I live on the East Coast though- no signs like that around.

    I saw copies of your book in my local bookstore yesterday! I was so excited- it looks great. I have the ARC in my TBR pile and am anxious to get to it, but I have to go through several other books first. I so wish you were coming near me on your tour. Everything is so far away. The closest is PA, which is still like two states away from me. Come to the DC area- that’s much closer to me, lol. Hope you have fun on the rest of your tour!

  2. pixelfish on #

    I snagged HTDYF yesterday and read it right off. (I have a speed-reading fairy.) My review be here: http://pixelfish.livejournal.com/797032.html

    In short, I quite enjoyed it. Even if my brain did insist on mashing Scottt’s rep economies and conspiracies into New Avalon. That would be some fun fan fic to write: Uglies meets Fairies.

    Copperfields is a nice bookstore. I went there when I lived in SF for a Terry Pratchett signing. It was extremely well-organised and the staff was nice and helpful.

    Still bummed that you won’t be stopping by Seattle, but I’m assuaging my heartbreak with still more books.

  3. Jennifer on #

    You would go on tour (and to the two states I live in!) the semester I’m abroad…

    Oh, well, I’m glad you’re having fun!

  4. Jude on #

    As a high school librarian, I’m wondering why they’d feel the need to post that sign. It seems a little weird to me (my only signs are “no food or drink except water” which is controversial since even school libraries have joined the library as cafeteria movement; and “You are not an interruption”; I could probably add “No silence” but I think they figure that out as soon as they enter). I call everyone on homophobic slurs and the rest, so that doesn’t take place in this library, but I would probably end this sign at “This is a hate-free sanctuary” and not go on to explain.

  5. Gayl on #

    Having worked in the libraries of 2 elementary schools in the Bay Area, it pleases me to hear them complimented. It is so hard without funding to keep them running so it is always rewarding to hear good things about what they strive for from other people.

    Glad to hear your stay was a good one!

  6. Joey on #

    I would agree it’s a bit sad a sign like that is even needed. Still, I think it’s a good reminder. As I’ve gotten older, I find I’ve become less tolerant of others’ religiosity and benefit from the occasional nudge.

  7. HypotheticalDystopia on #

    I’m almost 16 and I wanted to let you know that my mom will be reading the first two chapters of HTDYF aloud to my sisters and me. It’s been a long time since anything like that has happened. My mom would read the whole book aloud, but she is going away for a couple of days. (She doesn’t want to torture us by making us wait)

    I want that poster to be in my school.

  8. Little Willow on #

    De nada. 🙂

    Hurrah for tolerance! Hurrah for sanctuaries!

  9. David S. on #

    That sign makes quite a contrast with the one I saw in a bookshop window on my first trip to Austin TX. – “These are weapons free premises, please leave guns at front desk” (or similar wording, it was years ago now). I’ve never felt such trepidation about entering a bookstore before or since! It was an excellent store though so I’m glad I did.

  10. genevieve on #

    Oh, bravo, having CD’s reading of your fairy! great stuff.

  11. Alea on #

    In my high school we had “safe rooms” which pointed out teachers that were available to talk about anything i guess. They had signs on their doors. I thought it was nice but also wonder about the teachers that didn’t sign up, and why.

  12. cuileann on #

    🙂 I’m so glad you hit my beeyootiful hometown and its environs.

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