1. Kadie-Wa on #

    Sweet!! I want some!!

  2. robin on #

    So pretty! (Oh, and the boots are nice, too.)

  3. Cheryl Rainfield on #

    Love the author photo, Justine. I like your smiling face. And I can see you love your boots. 🙂

  4. dragonfly on #

    love the boots!! way fun. and that’s a great photo!! 😛

  5. marrije on #

    you’re a blonde now! nice. gorgeous picture, and i love how you love those boots.

  6. Maria on #

    Very cute! The boots say as much about you as anything. Nice job!

  7. PJ Hoover on #

    Awesome photo! It’s perfect. And the boots were worth every bit!

  8. cherie priest on #

    Super cute! I absolutely love it, and the boots are killah 🙂

  9. Karen M on #

    Exquisite, lady.

  10. Naomi Novik on #

    awesome awesome photo! and boots! 😀

  11. racheFACE on #

    your boots are the bombDOTcom.

  12. Amie Stuart on #

    I can barely type for all the drool on my chin!!!!!!

  13. simmone on #

    don’t you look nice!

  14. Michael on #

    Telling, that – having read your blog for a good few months now – my first comment would be tell you that you look fierce. But that is a fabulous outfit.

    Aren’t authors oblidged by law to look slightly intimidating and/or downright frightening in their author photos, though?

    Yours, MB x

  15. Liset on #

    yeah if this is an author photo,
    shouldn’t you be all moody?
    and in black and white… hehe

  16. Cat Sparks on #

    So howcome its OK when someone else takes your photo but whenever I aim a camera at ya, you get the total shits? huh? Do you think the boots make you invisible or something? Huh?

    ps cute photo!

  17. chris. on #

    Great dress, too!

  18. Veronica on #

    Fucking hell. Look at your hair! I love it.

  19. Mark on #

    those are the best boots ever!

  20. Dawn on #

    You’re so pretty!! 🙂

  21. Patrick on #

    Definitely. Not. Goblin.

  22. Dave H. on #

    That’s a gorgeous picture, and the boots are amazing!

  23. limeywesty on #

    It should ALWAYS be about boots, boots, boots from now on.

  24. Ama on #

    Beautiful photo, sweetie. The boots rock!

  25. libba on #

    Oooh! Such gorgeousness! Me likee. And when DID you go blonde?

    We miss you. NYC is boring without a bit of Justine. xo

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